The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

C1 2 THE MORNING CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1986 EQUIP. Used commercial seafood market. 4 display sftow- ci ot machines si OM) cases, waiK-m cooler eh. Call J82-15G4 i "5" each. Call 282-1504 MAKKETMACK CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ELECTRIC MOTORS Used rebuilt, 1-phase up to 10 HP, 3 phase to 150 HP.

Starters 8, controls. Reducers 8 drives. JOHN RAMSAY SON, Allentown 432-4061 FORKLIFT Yaie 5,000 fb gas powered, 15' reach. Call Emmaus Storage Yard, 967-3033 freezer, utenciis, Kmvn. uown POLE Buadkm erected.

$2950 4 up. Sizes to 75' wide at lowest prices. Benedict Const. 244-5995 STIHL CHAIN Saw. 16" bar.

Kerosene heater, 14,000 BTU. Like new. CaH 534-4494 BLACK A DECKER 10" miter saw. 10 amp motor with brake 1 metal table. Sale price S179 Rm $760.

payment wnn Terms, wnri nimac wlukr vvit vj, very good condition, llOOor best HOBART Buffalo Chopper, Offer, call 261-2909 Vn yrs old. Cost $3100 new, asking $1500. Excel cond. Call WOOD BURNING STOVE coal grate. $325.

Call 797-0206 WOOD STOVE Vermont Castings Defiant. 40,000 BTU, thermostat control. Very gd cond, $600 or best offer. 845-2642 $49 and UP Surdlac coal stoves, parts, pipe, Woodstoves. B-SUPPLY, 511 E.

21st St. Northampton 262-4672 ALL Seasoned Hardwoods, mostly oak, no lunk. Cut, split 8, deliv. Byron J. Apgar, 964-2755 LIQUIDATION SALE ON KODIAC WOOD STOVES Stoker stoves by Alaska in stock.

Phillips, Inc. Germansville, Pa. Call 767-3819 HARDWOOD LOGS 5 cords, $325. 10 cords, $625. Frontier Firewood.

538-2330 Heater Kero-sun monitor 20, vented htr, 19,400 btu, lyr wrnty $425, call 868-7618, Andaman Inc HEATERS Gas port space heater, needs no vent, 5.000-15,000 BTU. Incl a 30 i 26 gal propane tank, $125. Intertherm 8 ft oil filled elect basebrd htr, $60. 797-4881 oays791-4642 eves OAK 4 HARDWOOD SLABS, 2'4 cord at $150, 5 cord at $250. LOGS, cord, $175, 5 cord $325.

377-2155 SURDIAC 508 Heats 1200 sq. ft. Only 1 ton of coal burned in stove. Like new. $475.

759-4875 Clear Sailing! See the Boats Accessories Col Sharkan Supplies, Weaversville GENERAL TON MUUfcL VlTliiCi KZL 7 I GHGBR Hydraulic detachable M. Allwn 264-7504. Open 7-S trailer. $21,000 plus FET. Free Wkday, 8-12 Sat MICKEYMINNIE MOUSE Hand car, with orig box.

Catt 866-6243 after 5pm. RED BARN ANTIQUES Rt 895, Andreas, PA, now open to public Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm. We buy estate. 717-386-4563 867-6723. NEW RE COND.

restaurant equip. All types. Also new 213 door display coolers. For info, call Pocono Mts Rest. Supply, 215-681-4438 WE BUY used restaurant equip SOFT ICE CREAM MACHINE Tavtar.

3 flavors. 18mos. work- gift $1,000 savings bond from manufacturer. Monroe Equip. Inc.

Strouxtsburg, Pe. 717-424- ACER. ASH. CHERRY A OAK BR Nr Lehigh Pkwy. Off st pkng, bsml.

No pets. Sec oep, lease. $395 utll. 433-7485 or 398-2757. 3 LR6 BR Unusual, spacious, luxury apt.

Lrg LR 12x25, formal DR, 2 baths, walk-in clos-eis, Ht HW, AC, TV cable are ind. $640 mo. Overlooking Lake Muhlenberg. Call supt. on premises 434-3113.

3 RMS BATH Fridge, wd avail, Center City, ht hw Incld, adults, $225mo. 435-6055 3BR DR, Kit, full bath, $375mo sec deo. Ind Heat, Call aft 3pm 821-6931 3BR, LR, Kit, Bath wshower. No pets. $385mo ht Incl.

Call for appt. 434-8758 bet 9-7. IRms Ba. 3rd fl. 6th 8, Titgh-man.

Suitable 1 person. $220mo dep, ht, hw incl 437-1370 4 RMS BATH 2nd fir, 121 N. 13lh SI. Apoly at: 1132 Linden St, 1st fir, Alienlown. 4 RMS Bath, 1st fir, WW carp, very dean.

Walnut nr. 13lh, sec, dep, $301). Ph 799-4430 4 RMS 4 bath. Near Sacred Heart Hospital. HT incl.

$265 security. 797-8310 4RMS BATH 1136 Chesnut st, Altwn, 2nd fl. HUD apprvd. Call 262-9152. 5 RMS 8, bain.

HT 8, HW ind. N. 5th Chew St. $365mo. Hud ok.

Call Marie, 1-800-221-0758. ehfi HAL0M SYSTEM Fl-refrigerated sundae bar, also 3 i cn. ill MAIN ST Slatington, 2 BR, bath, $345mo utlls. Avail, immed. Call George 435-5104 or 481-9822.

Craig Scharadin, Real Estate 6 LG. RMS 4 Bath, HT 4 HW $420mo, 732'i N. 6th 1-723-3567 aft 5 wkdys 916 GORDON ST 3 BR, bath, $400 mo utils. Call George 435-5104 or 481-9822. Craig Scharadin, Real Estate ALBURTIS 2nd fl.

3 rms 4 ba. $230. Nice starter apt. Adults, no pets. Lease, sec.

967-1561. ALLENTOWN WHITESTONE VILLAGE Large 1 4 2 BRs, $335 to $359 util. Eat-in kitchen, W-W carpeting, private balconies, immediate occupancy. Dlr: Emmaus Ave. to 30th St.

turn to Whites-tone Village, mile W. of Rte 309). Open 9-4. Fri. 9-5 Sat.

11-4. 797-0721. BARKLEY VILLAGE APTS Expect to be impressed! 142 BR 433-1747 BENTON GARDENS NICE QUIET COZY 142 BEDRM. APTS. Perfectly located 1 Block North off Emmaus Ave on South Fountain St.

WWCw Parking Facilities 4 Laundry Facilities. Location 923 Benton St. ALLENTOWN Starts $260 to $330 Hrs. 9-5, Phone 791-3665 4 Manaoment spd 3 blender mixer. $4500 or 4W-Z1W tor mspec.

COMPUTER ROOM Raised flooring (500 sq. ft.) lacks, 8, all best offer. Call 717-325-4432 10 Ton Computer Room Laitoert AC Unit Air cooled, 440 volts, 3 phase. Can be seen in opera- tion. Avail.

Nov 17. 244-8100 CASH PRICE 2 Fuel Oil WALK IN COOLER 11x10 Best offer Call 398-2000 CO QafK accessories. fcUHAL environmental control unit. 7500 BTU. Call 258-7596 DESK with computer bridge and office chair.

Like new. $200, Call 797-2924 after FURNITURE Like new, hid couch, coffee tbhj, chairs, file cabinets. 215-395-7775 M-F 8-5 IBM PCXT COMPATIBLE MS-DOS, 640K, floppy disk, col II per 4 gjf a ys? ganon Cut, split, seasoned delivered Call Dove's: 837-4037759-6214 ACER, ASH, CHERRY OAK. All cut, seasoned, soilt 8, deliv-ered. J.

MlRRO 837-9060 CONESTOGA Cast iron wood stove wWower. $550. Call 398-1915 FIRE WOOD Cut 8. split. Any quantity.

Delivery available. $95cord. Call 845-2520 FIREWOOD Cut, split del. $85 cord. Rough lumber, sawdust, Cstm.

sawing. 717-386-2370 FIREWOOD Oak 1 cord bundle $69. Call 837-6779 ask for Barry FRANCO BELGE Coal stove Model 10-275. Used 3 months. Call 432-7984 after 5:30.

GAS FURNACE 140,000 BTU, $150. Central heat pump air cond, 420,000 BTU Westing-house. $950. Master Kerosene torpido healer $250. 435-7165 ADVERSARY CELEBRATION $1200 IN PRIZES TO BE GIVEN Come In to register save 20 on all purchases including custom orders for draperies, blinds, upholstery.

Celebration ends Nov 15, 1984. A Touch of Color, Rte 248, Cherryville, Pa. 76-0662. Tues-Sat, 10-5tm. CLOSE-OUTS in Furniture at UNCLAMED FREIGHT Odd Lot of Dining Room Chairs.

Values to $119 (as is) from J19. Brass 1 Glass co*cktail Tables. $49 values Tall Wall Bookcases with doors. 24X 58" high, $69 value $24.95 Black Brass Headboards, twin, full or queen. Values to $99 $29 Odd Chest of Drawers, values to $99.

while thev last $39 9X12 ft. Rugs in solids, tweeds or patterns. $149 values $74. Full-size Mattress Foundation Sets, $179 value $79 White Brass Day Bed, a divan by day, a bed at night $79 Solid Wood Coffee Table 2 Lamp Tabies. $199 Pine Bunk Bed with 2 Bunkle Mattresses, $319 value 5 Pc.

Dinette with Smoked Glass ALLEN DIGITAL COMPUTER ORGANS For Home, Church School Steinway Everett Pianos Showroom Rt 100, Macungie, Pa ALLEN ORGAN CO. Weekdays 9-4 Any Evening by Appt. 966-2202 or 776-0477 BABY GRAND PIANOS New YAMAHA From $4995 00 Used KNABE From $1895.00 KINNAMAN HOUSE of MUSIC WestgateMall (215)694-0423 mnmrnitiamim CHCKERNG HYUNDAI PIANOS ORGANS New-Used-Buy- Sell-Trade Top quality, low prices. FAMILY KEYBOARD CENTERS 2223 Macarthur Whitehall Call 820-5397 Daily 11-8, Sat 10-5 DRUMS Complete set, Slin-gerland, excellent condition, Rosewood pearl, with covers, asking $475 or best offer, call 797-7967 GIBSON ES-175 Guitar. 1962 model.

Mint condition. $500. 866-519) GUITAR '76 Les Paul custom, wine color red, includes Available in the service area of: INTERNATIONAL 125C Crawler Loader $9,500. Plasterer Equipment Inc. Rls 22 512, Bethlehem (215) 867-4657 JOHN DEERE USED EQUIPMENT SALE 1-455D CL HOE 1- 500C WLBH 2- 410 WLBH 3- 350C DOZERS 2- 4S0C DOZERS 1-450 DOZER 1- 350C CL HOE 3- 310 WLBH 2- 400 WLBH MANY MORE IN STOCK Monroe Equip.

Inc. R.D. 2, Stroudsburg, Pa. 717-424-1652 JOHN DEERE 550 450 4 way dozers, JO 310, 410, 5)0 back-hoes Cat 941, JO 544 4WD Idr. Call 679-5958 Air Comornsers 5 HP Ing Rand trom $izu.

naiiu ii i w. or graphics, 2umb Hara disk ur wiaMiiiva, iWfQ naiu uiarv. serial, parallel, clock, AMDEK Energair from $295. Call Larry at Wm H. Taylor Co.

264-5431 monitor. $1485. Cat! 252-4602 ALLENTOWN, PA QUAKERTOWN, PA 395-3761 536-4580 FUELS SERVICE EQUIPMENT 150 gallon minimum deliwy Price subiecl to change without notice BILL-JAX SCAFFOLDING accessories. Rent or buy. New Muller Mixers.

All type equip. Contractors Equip 262-8800 BUFFING PADS Schlegel, $3.50 and $4.00. Limited quanti-ties. Will ship UPS. 215-837-7481 CALL AGWAY For your steel 4 alum roofing needs.

PHONE 395-3381 BUCHANNAN PARK IBr, 2nd fl. Nr Westgale. Walking dist. to shopping 4 transp. Rent inclds ht, hw 4 cable.

No pets. $325mo. 865-5198864-7548. QUAKERTOWN MAKITA POWER TOOLS Mig Welders $299; Oxy Acetylene Welding Outfit $129; 16 Sod Drill Press $189; Air Dye Grinders 4 Butterfly CASE 1150 CRAWLER Loader 'u, good snape, 10 wheeler dump truck. 80 too.

53W value i. FMSTAIS TERRACE APARTMENTS 1 A 2 bedroom apart ments. Rentals start at $320. Features include AC, laundry facilities, tree pool membership, ampte closet space, spacious units, quiet parfclike setting. No pets please.

Office Hours 9-5. PH. 797-2498 2213 S. Fountain St. Apt.

3 Allentown, PA ujatorhari rnmolptp with every Rachel 15 scroll saw series, '65, 46,000 miles, 409 engine, $4500. Chew pickup, OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1 Littler transcriber, $75. 1 Linier desk top dictator, Model P100, $150. 2 Pockel transcribers, $75 each. 1 Olivetti ET351 single disk typewriter, exc cond, $2500.

executive wood tone desk, (oversized), $200. 3 secretarial swivel chairs, $10 each. 2 Executive swivel chairs with arms, exc cond, $35 each. 432-8254 OFFICE FURN. DISCOUNT On office turn supplies.

See us for new, 2nds, 8. used. Up to 80 off. Used desks $24.95 up. Used chairs all types $2.95 8, up.

New files $44.95 up. Tots, lamps, bkcases, stge cabs, tvp stands, credenzas, fir pads, 8, more. DIRECT OFFICE Furn Outlet 415 15th St. Altwn 437-5593 PLANT CLOSED USED OFFICE FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD Desks, files, safes, typing stands, Kardex files, bookcases, coat trees, computer furniture, swivel choirs, tables, typewriters, reception furn, credenzas, cafeteria tables 4 chairs. DEVON INDUSTRIES 821-8482 $99.

Surplus Sales, 434-3045 Office Furniture Fixtures II III 4WU, ton, Toir conoirion, $2750. Massev-Ferouson trac- thing vou need! $399 $179. Sleep Sofa with separate mattress. $399 value $197. 10-Seat Pit Group in Herculon IB Shop tools equip, forklitt.

anop TOtMS Ot CUUIP. TUrMIII, ViwW knknn nw4 welders. Sale to be held Nov 14, lilSIiintl snap ot naiu iac, caiciictii condition, $350, call 767-4014 or cover. $7W value wt pint too of other baroa ns WEST APARTMENTS HEAT HOT WATER INCLUDED WITH THE RENT Bedroom $335-5345 2 Bedroom S360-S390 a AIR CONDITIONED FURNITURE IIASINC AVAIL. 9th St.

4 309. QUAKERTOWN 536-3423 DePAUL REALTY Daily 9-8 P.M. SAT. 10-6 4 SUN. 1-6 at phOW 867-3737 9-3, NOV 15, 8-1.

868-4830 PARTS WASHERS NEW. 14 Placing an ad in classified is gal drum type, $299. Only 3 avail, easy. Call us at 820-4565. Can deliver.

215-837-7681 440 Condominiums 445 Real Estate Wanted 450 Farms For Sale 455 Lots Acreage 460 Resorts Vacation Properties 462 Out-Of-State Real Estate 465 Mobile Homes 470 CommercialIndustrial RenT 475 Office Rent 480 Income Properties 485 CommercialIndustrial Sale 400 Rooms For Rent 405 Furnished Apartments 410 Unfumfihed Apartments 415 Houses For Rent 420 Resorts For Rent 425 MovfngStorageGarages 430 Wanted To Rent 435 Houses For Sale 436 Suburban Houses For Sale 437 Open Houses 438 New Construction UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. Airport Rd Rt 22, Bethlehem CLOSED MY FRAME SHOP Have over 500, 8X10 framed pictures. Must buy all! Russ Manufacturing, 868-1303 CLOSEOUT Storm Windows $10 8. $20. Solid Core Doors $160.

Mr O'S 820-0288 Quitting Business Sale Everything must go. Save Beck Sports, Kutztown 683-7402 RENT Rinsenvac Professional Carpet Shampooer. $1 hour. Dave 125 S. 7, 433-6861 VALLEY VIEW APARTMENTS GUITAR '83 Gibson Flying Ibanez Iceman, Yamaha wireless system.

Info, 262-2380 MOBILE DJ EQUIPMENT -Amp, speakers, lights, effects more. Must sell, 838-9274 PIANO RENTALS Rent As Long As You Like With Option To Buy Pianos Our Only Business JOHN J. ZEINER SONS 3 Generations Of Piano Service 830 Hanover Ave Altwn 437-1887 PIANO TUNING 4 REPAIRS 432-1039 432-5013 BOB KAHLE PIANO SERVICE PIANO Upright. Very good cond. Paid $550 in July.

1st $275 takes it. You move. Call 250-9788 1 BR. 345 2 BR. 385 WE PAY YOUR HEATING COSTS Moderate rent includes heat 2, or 3 BR's CKLEY RUN APTS.

435-8044 hot water, cooking gas 1 SLEEPING ROOM Priv. ample bath, rent reason-able. Aoolv 140 S. 6th Altwn. 1 2BR Bethlehem.

Moderate rental. $405 Inclds ht hw. Off st pkng. Laundry fac. PARKHURST APTS Barbara 4 Marion sts, Beth 867-7908 27 11TH ST Bdrm wbath.

Newly renovated hist, twnhme. Must see to apprec $350 mo. Refs req. Full nouse priv. Call 434-5915 aft 6pm wkdays, anytime wkends.

ww carpet, swimming pool air cond. private entrance. Directions: S. on 1 5th SL Exit from Rt. 22 15th Elm Sts.

433-1582 Office Hours 9:30 to 4:30 P.M. Daily Sunday P.M. IMAGINE Huge Rooms Central A.C. Gas Heat TV Cable All Inc. Parklike Setting WINDING WOOD (Behind Stetko Shopping Center) Bethlehem, PA Phone 867-7559 MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, ETC.


Madison W. Hazleton, PA 18201-2148 717-459-0796 ALLENTOWN White Elephant Sale. Westminister Village. 803 Wahneta St across from Bennets Toyota, Fri, Sat, 8am-2pm. ALLENTOWN Temple Bethlel Sisterhood Annual Thrift Sale.

1702 Hamilton St. Bag Day Today. $2 a bag or 3 for $5. ALLENTOWN Salvation Army Rummage Sale. Tues-Fri, 10-4.

Sat, 10-2. 8th Turner Sts, Allentown. IVj BDRM Lg sunny mod. apt in restored Old AJtw. Ext.

Ig oak kit, Victorian bath. Cat OK. $350 plus utll. 434-1578 aft 6 PM. BRIGHT, COMFORTABLE RM W.

End. Kit, laund privileges, -r nnu, c99Cmn Call 820-5324 btwn 9am-12noon. 1 BDRM Newly renov, w-w crpt, tons, wam-in closers, mr. BAR 4 RESTAURANT EQPT many items. Also 10 room hotel, Hquor license for Belh.

Twsp. Call 691-6046 or 863-5194for more info. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIP. 6 prof dryers, gd working order, 1 shampoo bar, 5 styling stations, bamboo dividers, 2 used sham-poo bowls. Call 538-1977 CLEARANCE OF ALL RESTAURANT EQUIP 72 bird chicken rotlsary, Alte-sham roasting ovens, Bakers Pride eharbroiler, continuous breadroll toasters, warming ovens, steamers, Groen self-contained steam kettle, meat tenderizer, Sharp carosel microwave, salad bars, SS SS soda fountain wsink, SS plate holders, heat light, soup warmer, SS milk cooler.

A1A Rent All 435-7145 DELI CASES 8' 8. 10'. Self contained, double duty. Must sacrifice. 967-3232 2 DR 3 DR GLASS Door Coolers $750 8, $950 Store Storage up Electric Steam Cleaner, like new $975 Office Desks 8.

up Mobile Carpet Lift 36 H.P., 115 volts $1200 Linoleum 6 8. 7 arm display racks $200 up 1213 N. Plymouth 434-0442 End, 3rd fir, $275 -f- utll. 791-3669 1 BEDROOM 1712 Cedar SAXOPHONE Clarinet Player Needed for working well established recording orchestra. Reply to: The Morning Call, Box 249, P.O.

Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18)05. WERSI KEYBOARDS PICKERS DELIGHT 398-1842 965-4074 ZILDJIAN ft SABiAN Cymbals 3 Ludwig Boom stands for sale, call 258-9941 DON'T BUY A PIANOI Rent one with the option to buy first. Rent ANY size, finish, make of new piano we carry. From only $31.69 per month. Rent for as long as you wont! 100 credit of initial min 6 mo rental.

Call 723-6900 Grafton Piano 8, Organ Co, Souderton. HOUSE OF MUSIC Sign up now for fall lessons. Teaching is our specialty. Violin teacher needed. 4034 Easton Ave, Beth, 868-1855 JACKSON KING CUSTOM Ferrari red, Kahler S.N.

00941 incl case, Marshall lead 12, stand. 3 momake offer 434-4625 CENTER CITY Fem. to share with same. $45week. Call, 435-49031 DAILY WEEKLY RATES City Airport Road Motel, 1122 Airport Rd, Altwn, 433-6423.

FULL HOUSE PRIVILEGES Young prof wanted. $200mo. Call Dave, evenings, 866-6314 FURNISHED MOTEL ROOMS Weekly $65. Monthly $250. In St, 3 rooms 4 bath, $300month.

CALL 398-1967 1 BR 8285MO ELEC 2nd fir with side, WW carpet, historical renovation. Adorable! 1025 Turner St. 'i mo free rent with lease signed by 111586. DAK RE 820-9888435-0395 -s0 29th Emmaus ACCORDION Mint eond. Crucinelli Panccordion 14 shifts.

$495. Call 434-1224 I piano; 4 JUKEBOXES 1 BR Ave. ALLENTOWN 797-88SO duces all utilities, TV cable. S'ufl yHR7a mo free rent wlease signed nnens, etc. u.

jto bv 111586. me ht, HW, secured WANTED. IMMEDIATE CASH PAID. CALL 837-0179. RENTALS START AT S337 entry, very quiet, GENTLEMEN rriv entr, refrig, Q-town vicinity.

S45week. Call 538-1330 Carpeting Pool Furnished ADts Avail 1BR 3rd ft. Beaut. 3rms 4 bath. Hist dist.

Adults. $250mo inclds heat. Call 799-2482 1BR laund fee. $375 per mo. Nov.

free if pass credit check, sec dep req. Take over lease to 387. 797-1967 aft 4pm 1BR Mod, downtown area, avail Immed. carpeting throughout, $240 -t-utils, Dave 770-1555 1BR Quiet country setting. Newly remod.

No pets. Elec 4 ht incl, S400mo, 868-6591767-0196 1BR Very nice 2nd fir apt, 9th 4 Turner area, $275mo u-tilssec Call Tom 377-3011 or Howard 776-7652 from 6-11 pm. 1ST FL 3' rms4bath, adults, ht incl. $270, sec. dep.

no pets. 43 E. Susquehanna St. 797-4420. 1ST FLR Exc loc, 3blks from Y.

Nice 5rms 4 bath. Porch, yd, bsmt, WD hkup, $335mo Inclds ht, adults, no pets. 799-2482. 1ST FLR Rear apt. LRBR comb.

Kit 4 bath. Util. Incl. Sec deo req. Call 434-9993 2-3 BR 9th 4 Cedar, 1 bath, WD, refrig, crpt, newly redecorated, sec 4 refs, $350 utilities.

Call 967-4534 or 398- 3935 aft 5 4 wkends 23 BRs 2nd 4 3rd firs. WW. Ht incl. WD avail. $375.

52 Franklin. Avail 1115. 437-1988 2 BDRM baths. PETS Considered. AC, W-W, parking, avail.

1187. $350 mo. total elec Laund. fac. 437-0034.

2 BEDROOM Located in the West end of Allentown on Reading Road. 1st floor unit, wall to wall carpeting, kitchen ances 4 air conditioning included. Modern tile bath, lots of room, private entrance, off street parking, laundry 4 storage area. Children welcome. Rental $486.00 per month includes HEAT, HOT WATER 4 COOKING.

ONLY $100.00 SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. Show by appointments only. Phone 262-8881. Sunburst Property Management 2 BR 1 Yr old 2nd fir apt skylight. Cathedral ceiling, WD, refrig, DW, carpi, S.

Allentown. $475mo utll. FRETZ REALTY INC 965-9077 398-2521 2 BR 14th 4 Chew, well mainl. 1st floor. Modern kitchen.

$339 mo incl. heat. CRST 396-8044 AMPEG V7 100 watts, (2) 12" speakers, excel cond, $350. Ibe-nez Roadstar 2, metallic black excel cond. $250 case.

Call 491-2028 aft 5pm SOCIETY HILL Immaculate 1. 2 BR Apts Picturesque Setting Spacious Soundproof Incl. Heat Hot Water Secure Well Lit Transportation at Site No Dogs Allowed SEE US BEFORE YOU DECIDE 1216 W. Cumberland St. ot South Jefferson 437.2901 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Weekdays Sat. i Sun. Appt. Only DePAUL REALTY LEISURE INN MOTEL Rms 4 eff, daily, wkly, TV, AC.

6397 Airport Rd(N) Altwn 837-7805 WEEKLY ROOMS FOR RENT Color TV, HBO, housekpg units LEHIGH MOTOR INN, 395-3331 Daily 9-8 P.M. SAT. SUN 1-6 1 A 2 BDRM. Attractive newly decorated, smartly furnished apt. Moderate rental ind.

heat, HW, cooking gas, air cond, ww swimming pool, tennis courts. Short term lease avail. ALLEN GARDENS, 827 Jefferson St, 434-7912. pets, iojs Ltnoen. DAKRE 820-9888435-0395 1 BR S340MO ELEC Adorable renovated 2 floor apt.

427 Turner SI, Allentown. DAKRE 820-9888435-0395 1 BR S370MO Plus elec, va mo rent free with tease signed bv 111586. Historic Beth. Beautiful new renovated apts. Energy efficient, professional atmosphere, adults, no pets.

DAKRE 620-9886435-0395 1 BR llTh 4 Allen. 1st fir, LR, BR, bath, kit. full cellar. $350 mo inc. HT.

Sec. dep. Call 264-5443 1 BR 1st fir. 500 block Turner St. $310mo sec.

Ind all utils. Call 966-2232. 1 BR 1st fir apt wultra mod kitch, bsmt F.R. wden. Hookup for washer 4 dryer, treelined st near 15th 4 Hamilton.

HT furnished. $385mo util. FRETZ REALTY INC 965-9077 398-2521 1 BR 1st fir apt, w-w crpt, eat-in kit, F.R. study, hookup for WD HT furn. $385mo util.

Call 439-1811. 1 BR 1st fir apt, remod kitch, freshly decorated, porch 4 yard. 1 Blk from Osteopathic Hosp. 8325mo util. Call 439-1811.

1 BR 1st fir, Altwn. North end. 1 BDRM Bath, kitLR combo, HT paid. $75week. Sec 4 refs.

Adults. 439-6046 ORCHARD DRIVE ESTATES 1-2 or 3 BEDROOM APTS. MANY LUXURIOUS FEATURES 3rd Orchard Dr. WHITEHALL, PA. Phone 264-5850 Open 9 A.M.-5 P.M.

Monday-Friday When you need a Job done from bricklaying to waterproofing and more check our BusinessService Directory. PLUMBINGHeattngAIr Cond Oil Burners Cleaned. A-l Plumbing Service 261-1461 QUIET Peaceful setting surrounds our spactous 1 2 3 BR apartments Complete with car. pet. full applianced kitchens tots of closet space Located on the east side rjf Allentown.

our luxury apartments are ust mtns. away from malls shopping areas Rents start at S320 mo 1 BR APTS Nicely decorated, good location. COLONIAL CREST APARTMENTS 102 10TH ST, EMMAUS 967-5134 SOLAR 4 WINDOWS BY PROFESSIONALS WE ARE THE R.A. HANEY CO. WE REPRESENT REYNOLDS ALUMINUM CO 266-0111 SPACKLING, Plastering, Wall, 4 ceiling cracks repaired.

Sheet rock taped. Peifed finish for paint. P. Fleming 966-3299 UPHOLSTERY Doc's Upholstery. Free estimates, frames furniture repaired 4 re-uphol- stered.

Call 747-3509 WALLPAPERINGPamtmg Try a Woman's Touch CaH 965-5425 or 965-4652. WALLPAPERINGPAINTING Carpet installation, home Improvements. 965-5559 SMITH HENDRICKS kit 4 ext painting, papering paneling. Free est. Fully Ins.

Visa MC. 747-7424 or 821-1448. VINYLINE REPLACEMENT Windows, free estimates. Since 2 BR 1st ftr. Alienlown.

Newly remodeled. Ind HT, WW, op- OLD FORCE APTS 435-0884 All modern, WW carp, tite oatn. 1940. A.E.5. 6-IZ5V off street prkg, yard.

$340 tional gar. $350. 262-2235, aft 5 HELFRICIl SPRINGS 1-2-3 utils. Call 262-: WINDOWS Vinaclad Replacemt B-SUPPLY Inc. Installation 2 BR 1st ft, $300 util.

Efficiencies $200 util. Nice deco. ww sec, dep. 437-0389. 2 BR 2nd fir, 8lh St.

Suoer clean. W-W. Prl. pkg. Ref 4 sec.

$285 util. 432-1796. BEDROOM APTS. 1 BR 1st fir, $275mo. security utlls.

2 BR, 2nd fir, all remodeled $310 sec 4 utlls. Located in West Bethlehem. Linda 865-5034 Mon-Frl 8-3 or 868-2725 eve. Sat. 4 Sun.

RON'S HOME Improvements No iob too small. Please contact Ron at 433-7374. 2 BR 3rd fir, Ig LR, DR, mod tile bath 4 kit, WW, 110 8th 1 BR 2nd fir, 3 rms, tile bath. newly decor, HT 4 HW Atwn, hl ind, $385, 965-4088 APPLIANCE REPAIR Whirlpool, GE, Kenmore, Maytag. Washer 4 dryer parts 4 service.

Joe's Appls 432-5318. wfterTncTdld" secuWrSS idloWsVKeP required $260mo 767-6006 4 refs. 776-7421 aft 3:30 2 BR Allentown. Lrg. redeco- ALLEN GARDENS 1 BR from $375 2 BR from $430 I Mod rental ind.

HEAT. HOT WATER, COOKING GAS w'w Carpet, AC. eat in swim. pool, tennis courts ami. loo, bus slop ON! OF THI BEST T.

aMTL VALUtf IN THE AREA 1 Directions: From Route 22. 15th St. exit, south to tstT 2 P- complex on the left, 'fi after crossing 15th St.4 Brkkje. 527 S. Jefferson St.

Office Hours: 9-6 p.m. Sat. Sun. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT AND ALL UTILITIES Dishwasher, garbage disposal, ww carpet, pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, every room air cond. MacArthur Road Opposite Whitehall Mall Turn Weat at Mickley Road A.M.-0 l.

SAT. IO-4iW a SUM. l-430 432-2246 LAWN CARE By Mart. Mowing, trimming, raking, leaf removal hedge work by contract. Free estimates.

Reason- able rates. 791-1757 LAWN CARE Fall clean-up, leaf removal, rototlll delhalch-ing. Honest, reliable service. Bill's Lawn Care 797-6535 LAWN MAINTENANCE -Year round prof, service at afford, rates. We do it all.

Fred-ericks Landscaping 967-2710 LAWNCARE Fall Cleanup, leaf removal, chemical control. Sodding, mowing 4 Snow removal. Bob Jenkins Lawncare Service- 797-9783. MASONRY WORK Variety masonry-stonework, concrete, brick 4 pointing. Prof work, free est.

Affordable rates. 258-9801. ROOFING Acker. Serving the area since 1901. All type roofs.

Flat roof specialists. 439-0741 ROOFING: Affordable Flat Roofing. Free Estimates, Call NuTech Roofing. 261-2300 ROOFING AH types. Also alum 4 vinyl siding.

38 yrs exp. Free Est. FK Const 433-5398 ROOFING 4 SPOUTING Expert in slate repair. Free est 4 20 yrs exp. STETTLER ROOFING.

PH 435-0499 ROOFING Specializing in slate, free estimates. Call R. Wells 770-7251. SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS -Installed, repaired 4 cleaned. Industrial liquid waste removal, electric eel service, well drilling.

Phone 759-3290. HENRY YESKA 4 SON NAZARETH SIDING, Alum. Vinyl, replace windows, roofing. Free est. Mel Fritz Construction, 767-7085 SLATE Roofs Reord the old fashioned way, CORRECTLY! Len Vreeland, 432-1666.

END OF SEASON SPECIAL -We will seal coat any black-topped driveway or parking lot for only 124 per sq. ft. For tree est. call Mike's Asphalt Malnte- nance at 759-9051. PERRY FENCE INC Coooersburg, Pa 282-1998 raieo.

wuiei mu iicivii. prkg. Call 946-2806 2 BR Altwn. So. Side.

LR, DR 4 kit. comb. WW carp, offstreet prkg, AC, laund. area, $350 mo. utils.

sec. No pets. OoKwood Realty, 791-3302 1 BR 3 rms 4 tile bath, for 1 person, very nice Ht 4 HW ind. Exc Salisbury location. No pets.

$280. Avail Jan 1. 282-4082 1 BR APT 23 BR twnhses, convenient loc, reasonable rent ind gas ht, ht water, cooking 4 2 BR Altwn Victorian. Court- ises, tun mamt, central al. Lnn- vara.

muure" dren welcome, no pets. 865-1760 toM. itange. jn Pets, $350 M-P, no uins. wro 1 BR EFFICIENCY Apt located iust off 12th 4 Hamilton.

All utlls paid. $275 mo Sec refs req. 776-0612 or 432-4682. 1 BR Newly furnished apt, rental Ind. ww carpet, disposal, dishwasher, air cond 4 swimming pool.

Mins. from Rt. 22 4 Lehigh Valley Man. CaH Lehigh Valley 432-3600 1 BR wden, turn. apt.

Air Short term lease. Valley View 15th 4 Elm Sts. 433-1582 1BR Beth. Newly decor. $445 incl Ht 4 Hw.

Off st pkng. Lndry. PARKHURST APTS Barbara Marion sts, Beth 867-7908 1ST FL 3 rms 4 bath-shower, nice Ige closets, adults, no pets $245 utll. 433-0375. 2 er 3 RMS 4 BATH Utils included, priv entr, adults, no pets, sec dep.

Apply 826 4th St 2RMS 4 Bath HT 4 HW furnished, AC, good cond. CaH 434-8831 after 5pm 3 RMS BATH 1 mi. W. of Egypt. Utils.

included. Security deposit. No pets. 262-7992 HIDDEN VILLAGE APTS 1 2 BEDROOMS Nicely Furnished, residential setting. Short term leases.

Near ABE Airport. NR WHITEHALL Mai. Effic. Adult. 3 rms, ba, utll, apply 404 Jefferson St, Fullerton aft 12 Apartments Nr Trexktr Maf w-w carpet, pict.

wind wk.sec dep 434-4157 395-2154 ATTRACTIVE 1 BR den $530. 2 BR $535. Rental ind. all ww carp, dishwasher, garb, disposal, air cond, pool 4 tennis courts. Short term lease avail.

Hetfrich Springs Apts, 432-2246 BUSH House Hotel, Quakertwn. Rooms, Efficiencies, Apts, Wkly or Mnthly 536-5997 10-4. City. Country, Catasauqu EFFICIENCY 1 4 2 APTS wk, ektc. kit, lease Ref, sec dep 434-6157, 395-2154 LARGE LIKUROJS 30 FOOT LIVING ROOM 1 2 BR Rental includes ad central air, TV wcabte, distiwasner, frost free seff-cKsan oven, ww tennis coorts, pooi clubhouse.

Convt. located to Lehigh Valley finest, shopping, airport turnpike. OLYMPIC GARDENS 122 Pericles Place, Wtntehai 4334265 2 BR APT 2 fls. ba, LR, walk in closet, Recent complt reno. Landlord pavs ht.

Tenent pays hw 4 elec. Adults, no pets, 1 mo deo, 1 yr lease. $350mo. 776-7276 aft 8pm. 2 BR APTS In luxury high rise minutes from Center city.

Moderate rental includes free TV cable, air cond, WW carpet, dishwasher, garbage elevator 4 lobby with intercom. Bethlehem Towers Phone 668-0748 Addition, alum or vinyl siding, replacement windows, decks, carpentry etc. Free estimates. Liltle Guy Const, 967-6404 ALUM or Vmyt Siding, roofs, patios, windows, doors, 38 yrs. exp, free est.

FK Const 433-5398 ALUM VINYL Siding Gutters Windows, doors, decks, sheds. Free est. George's Alum. Siding, 965-8840 ASPHALT A blacktop deal PLUS complete service. Free est.

Gibson Paving, 262-8213 ASPHALT A call is all it takes to have all your driveway needs. Comp. free est. Tom 437-5401. ASPHALT Above all best deal.

50 OFF seal coating if we black top your driveway. All work machine laid. Driveway, 799-3890 ASPHALT All machine laid. Paving 8, seal coat. Driveways 4 parking lots.

Free work guar. 767-5273 Lewis Rinehart ASPHALT BLACKTOP D.E. Rinehart Paving. No gimmick, iust reas. rates for the best iob.

All work guaranteed. 395-7796 Asphalt Paving Jobs machine laid. Free estimates guaran Abraham Paving 791-4546 ASPHALT Paving, sealcoat, machine laid, chip tar, stone. Free estimates. Driveway, 967-3581 BACK HOE AUGER all type of excavating plus septic systems snow plowing.

Call 432-3924 or 756-4321, 395-1769. Brick Pointing, water proofing, cauiking masonry repairs. No iob too small. Free estimates. In bus.

over 40 yrs. Lee M. Macn-emer Son, Inc. 797-4778. CONCRETE Patio, Sidewalks, Steps.

Free estimates. Call Schaffer Concrete, 965-8538 CONCRETE steps, sidewalks, basem*nt firs, patios 4 retaining walls. Free est. Call 433-5378. CONCRETE T.J.'s Concrete porches, patio's, steps, sidewalks.

Free est. 767-6637 EXCAVATINGCONCRETE Driveways, sidewalks, steps, patios, etc. 767-0325 HEAVY BRUSH CUTTING Banks, ditches, lots. Machine cuts up to 4in thick. CaH 395-0404 LANDSCAPE Fl Clean-Up Trees 4 Snrubs.

Pruned or re-moved. Snow plowing. 437-S393 LANDSCAPE Fal Cleanup LEAVES HAULED AWAY Reliable 4 Reas. by 4 867-5755 or 433-4645 Landscaping 4 Lawn Main! BOB BUDGET LAWN CARE New homes 8 construction York raking, too soil, power seeding, sodding. Lawn Renovation Complete landscaping Spring cleanup Lawn mowing.

10 senior citizens discount. Call 861-0548. LANDSCAPING Beth. area. Bob's Lawn Care, compl.

serv. for lawns, bushes, trees. Gen. maintenance. Bushes, trees planted, pruned or removed, stump removal, swimming pools landscaped.

Dethatch-ing, seeding 8, sodding. 26 yrs exp. free est. 837-6252 Landscaping A-Z in Lawn, tree, shrub care. Fail Ciean-UP.

AH Phase Landscaping 799-3528 LANDSCAPING BY MIKE FALL CLEAN UP LEAF REMOVAL, 847-2684 WHITESTONE VILLAGE Apartments in Allentown Lge. 1 2 Bedrooms Rentals $335 to '379 utilities Eaf-ln Kitchen, W-W Carpeting Private Balcony Immediate Occupancy DIRECTIONS: Emmaus Ave. to 30th St, Turn to Whitestone Village mile West of Rte. 309) 9-6, Fri. 9-5, Sat 1 1-4 797-0721 Professionally Managed by Allstate Management Corp.

BERGY's CONSTRUCTION Clean-up Hauling 967-4774 CLEANING Comm. 4 resid. Fully insured 4 bonded. Free est. Imperial Cleaning 767-4635 DEMOLITION WORK? Heavy duty remote-controlled breaker safely outperforms 8-10 laborers with iockhammers and con- -vent.

demo, eouipt. Rent hourly or daily with oper. LVR Installations. 262-1535 DUMP TRUCK And low boy trlr for hire. Move eouipt, etc Call 395-0404.

FIRE ft SECURITY Systems for resid homes (no wires, no batteries, no false alarms). Call to get free brochure Blair Energy Products 865-4208 HANDYMAN Almost any type work Dick Bokoskv, 867-1949 HAULING 2 Trucks. Cktanout garages, houseswarehouses-Igsmall. Art's Hauling 395-0558 HAULING 3 Trucks By Kuhns Any Type Cleanup- Demolition. Houses, Apts.

Garages 820-9847 HAULING Ace Hauling, comoiete ciean-uos, anything anytime, appliance 4 iunk re-moval, free estimates. 797-5900 HAULING BY KRONINGER'S Small commercial 4 odd iobs incl trash removal (215)439-0831 HAULING By Denny. Attic, cellar, trash removal. Same day service. 820-8690 '638-6270.

LAMP REPAIRS AH types, fast service, free est. FuHerton Sewing Certer. 264-9777 MOVING Beaumont Moving 4 Storage Local 4 long-distance moving CALL 258-0680 SEW 'N VAC REPAIRS AH tvoe. fast svce-free est. FuHer-ton Sew, 850 3rd.

Fultn 244-9777 Sewing Math. Repair Done in your home, prompt svckjw rote Aithouse 285-4597 Fogelsyilie 1 BR APTS 222 S. 15th St. Heat 4 hot water furnished. No pets.

Call 432-9951 to apply. 1 BR 4 bath apt porch. Near Osteopathic Hosp. $325 util. FRETZ REALTY INC 965-9077 396-2521 1 BR Beaut, renov, mod kit 4 bath, plush ww, wd paneling, fully applianced, HUD ok, $260-t-elec, 791-3846'434-2416 1 BR Bright remodeled 3rd fir.

on Walnut St. (Altwn) No pets. $300 incls. HT. 867-6048 1 BR side effic.

Neat 4 clean. Ideal for working single. No pets. Refs 4 sec. 264-8930 1 BR 4 efficiency opts.

$295 mo. includes HT. CaH, 395-8200 bet. 5 1 BR A EFFICIENCIES -HAMILTON SQUARE EAST $305 4 $195. Rents inc heat, AC, all util 4 cable TV 437-2732 1 BR HISTORIC fTH ST 1 BR wdressing rm, R.

Alcove Study, boy window, all apples. $350 elec. Call CITIHOUSE 434-4643 1 BR newly remodeled 2nd ftr Apt. New ftrs. every room, hrdwd.

4 WW carp. Excellent cond. 3 blocks from YWCA. $350 Incis. HT.

No pets. 437-1224 I BR Nr Wh 4 Allen. Ht incld, refs, sec, lease, no smoking, $280 'mo. 434-0479 aft 12noon 1 BR NR STH 4 CHEW $245 Big sunporch. Nice kitch 4 bath.

tsm. 2 BR CITIHOUSE 2 Level warehse, downtown on quiet street, 1V4 bath, bared brick, tracx lights, parking, private courtyard, WD hook-up. $450 4 UP utlls. 434-6643 2 BR Great loc AC Luxury apt. ww cot, trg kit, priv yard.

heat ind $475. 868-5500 2 BR HUD approved. Must be presently on HUD program. Ready immed. Call 767-4644 2 BR Large bath, $350'mo some utils, call 747-4799 or 767-7331, ask for Sam or Martha 2 BR LR, DR, bath.

Ww fridge, stove 4 heat incld. $340. 8th 4 Allen. 434-2714 5-6pm 2 BR New Contemporary 1st ftr, dishwasher, WD, priv. ent.

4 off street prkg. $445 utils. AvaH. 12186. 398-1069 MICKLEY RUN APTS.

ADDITIONS Alterations, garages, complete home remodeling service. Free estimates. FUSCOBLDRS.INC. 965-6365 ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS Kitchens, baths, family rooms. Over 35 Yrs Exp.

Koneski Const. Co. 965-9633 George W. Koneski, Pres. ADDITIONS Garages, alterations.

Free est. 4 BLDRS 767-1529 AIR COND DONMOYER ELEC, INC. WiH svc all makes cent air, heel pumps. 395-2079. 83 Yrs Of Svc, 1902-86.

AIR COND. SERVICE On aH types central AC heat pumps. JACK LEHR ELECTRIC 435-3049 Carpentry, Painting 4 Roofing. Intext remodeling, all phases. Total Home Service.

437-1408 CARPENTRY by Heki's. Cabi-net making 4 odd iobs. Remodeling decks 4 trim houses. No job too small. Free est.

435-0996. CHIMNEY CLEANING The METRO MOBIL-VAC WAY 797-4674, 865-0)32 CLEANING 4 SERVICE for that meticulous house 4 office. 264-2062 or 264-5275. CLEANING PRESTIGE Cleaning Service, Res. 4 Office Cleaning.

CaH 433-0411. ELEC Residential Specializing in new work J.A. Wirth. 264-0184 ELEC WORK WiU do vour small er large iob, 100, 200 amp service. Free est.

CaH E.G. ELECTRIC. 868-9454 Elec Work small or large ioos our specialty. AH types of iobs, fully insured 4 bonded. Free est.

Morgan Electric 4S3-1925. ELECTRIC- DONMOYER ELECTRIC WIH do your smaH or trg iob promptly. Ask for Mr. Erie, Insured 4 Bonded. 395-2079 83 Yrs.

of Svc, 1902-84. ELECTRIC Wiring 4 Repairs. All Types. CaH JACK LEHR ELECTRIC 435-3049 ELECTRICAL werk bv master elect. Lisc 4 insur.

Reasonable. E. Roginsky Sr. 435-4033. ELECTRICIAN Residential 4 commercial.

Main repairs. Dennis Fair, 282-3697 HEAT DONMOYER ELEC, The ReaDie People, 83 years of svc 1902-84, will give you prompt svc on aH types 4 makes of systems. CaH 395-2C79. HEATING Replacements 4 Repairs Heat pumps specialty. CaH JACK LEHR ELECTRIC 435-3049 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Get your tow tea 4 winter prices.

We do complete hsKte 4 outside work. Free est. 434-0398 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Exe'd young worker No iob too smea. Ask for Mark el 262-6477 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Don Manin 28 yrs exp. No iob to snal.

4T7-2621 HOME REPAIRS aodttions. Reiae pros. Free est. C4B Contractors, 432-3267. INSTALLATION Carpel 4 Vinyl.

Free extimates Work gua'-arffeed. CaH Ed, 262-9165 PAINTING Interior 4 exterior. Free estimates. 791-4575. 4 Specialty.

Use Our Low Cost 7 Day Pan 2 BR Nr 15th 4 Hamilton. LR 4 DR crpt, new kit 4 bath, stove, refrig Ht HW 4 strge ind. For Boot. 432-4464 8 30-6 M-F HT paid. RIEGEL R.E.

791-2900 BR ParKarK I BR NR 7TH 4 WASHINGTON $420 ind. Heat 4 HW. No pets. "A Distinctive Place to Live" Spacious 1, 2 3 Bedrooms Includes: WW Carpeting Central AC Dishwasher Washer Dryer Swimming Pool Balcony or Patio Beautiful Landscaping Exc. Maintenance Call or Visit Our Office 215-435-8044 Mickley Overlook Whitehall, PA Hours Mon -Thurs 9-6.

Fn 98 Sat 9-5. Sun 12-5 LR-BR comb, mod kit 4 bath, ASPEN REALTY 398-0379 Drive-etc Call SNOW PLOWING ways, parking lots, Altemos, 395-7743 vacant $220. RIEGEL 791-2900 2 BR SLATINGTON AREA mm i heat incl Wood floors, etc $425 Rte 673. Hardwd ftrs, laundry per month. Ask for Artene at hook-ups, all apples.

Adutts HORIZON REALTY 434-3350 only. $378 elec. an. rmi, r-Mv Ian imrtvusc 2 BR End. Super loc Mod kit.

WW crpt. Adutts. No pets. Sec 4 refs reod. HT 4 HW ind.

$425 -t- utit. 717-657-0533 2 BR West end, new kitchen 4 WW, WD hookup, $375 CaH 395-0524 25 N. ink st 1 br, mod ki. DW, WW crpt, $395. ind ht 4 hw, no pets, 434-4945 or 435-5548 1 BR's 0d Allentown' newest rehatj.

Contemn, layouts ml lots ot windows, CAheatpumo, DW W8.0 hookups, balconies, parking. 330 N. Lumber St, From 1335 utNs. Intown Properties, 37-OK 1 Skyline view. 3vrs okt Hrdwd ns, ft frig, se cm oven, quiet.

$WC-f uht eft 1 BR Ultra mod. deri-sHk. BATHROOM DESIGN SPECIALIST Expert installation. I fir to ceiling contract. Schuler Service, Inc 1314 Titohman Altwn.

434-7103. BLINDS AH window treatments induding verticals, pleaded 4 window shades. Free estimates. You'll love our dis- counted prices. Call Jaymarc Corp, 215-433-7834 CARPENTRY Painting, papering, dosets, doors, windows, paneling.

J.E. Neuman 395-9516 CARPET CLEANING $17.50 average rm. Free est. 433-5458 Independent Cleaning Service CERAMIC TILE Res 4 comm. all phases comoiete.

Free est. Can Den, 837-9672 FORMICA COUNTER TOPS Brian's Carpentry Service. For free 767-9498 PAINT AND PAPERING Quality home decorating bv THE FINAL TOUCH. 395-0832 PAINT PAPER DRYWALL at 4 resid 4 comm. free esL.

fully insured. 791-5469, 797-4479 PAINTING Amelk) 4 Enslev, A-l, quality, reas rates, fu ms. Free est. 432-9974 or 791-3508 PAINTING, f. GENOVESH tnt, ext, papering, panelfni, complete carpentry.

Free est. Full ins. 434-1189 or 261-1641 PAINTING Paperhene PACE'S DECORATING Free est 867-2686 or 867-4391 PAINTING FAPERHAM6-ING, CARPENTRY, etc Very reas. Tom's Painting 432-0395 PAINTING PAPERING Reduced rates for wimer contracts scheduled now. P.

Soorinski. Contr. 867-5263 791-3181 PAINTING Quality worn 4 materiel. Free estimates. Fui insur.

A PC Painting, 435-0186 USE OUR LOW COST 7 DAY PLAN CALL 820-6565 4 STAR APARTMENTS. r. iTuaTEJi Situ rSSTi Sycamore SI, Cozy 2 Can K1-M84 Bet an 433-5v5 Mry osmt, wweof, no 1 BR rVest eoge of town, pes, ttOOutlis-nec. 71-1430 STUMP REMOVALS Call Joe Huber Tree Stump Remov- ai. Free ests.

261-1133 TIMBER TREE EXPERT CO. Tree work at reasonable rates CaH Rick 398-9705 TREE A-l TREE SERVICE Topping, pruning, removal. Reas. rateSr fully ins. 797-3639.

TREE Belles Tree Service Spray topping, removal, qua! work, reas 434-8116, 797-2239 TREE HEDGE toooing, pruning removal. Free eslt-rraies. J.H.Tree. 791-3890. TREE SHRUB CARE Comol.

Pruning 4 Removal. Lie 4 ins. For personal, prof service Can Forever G'een, 774-1833 TREE, Shrub 4 Hedge frvmm ft removals. 30 yrs. exo.

Rea-tcnace. CaH Jim. 432-1449. TV 4 Appliance Repair Al brands, house cats or pick up. Krycer Bros.

432-00)7 '262-5635. TV REPAIR All brands. House ca $19 95 peris. Bso'S TV. 264-4784 VCR REPAIR-ALL BRANDS Factory wrrwy svc NORTHEAST ELECTRONICS NS2 MacAnhur Rd Whitens.

PA 1(052 prkng, lrg sunny rms, Ht ind. Call 432-4543, 434-0424 I 4 2 BEDRM Luxury w-w carp, air cond, etec heat. Rent from $290 plus utils. Beverly Hills Apts. 949-49 E.

Linden Allentown, Ph 437-2732 1 4 2 BEDROOM Luxury w-w carp. Air cond. Eiec heat. Rent from $285. W-VIEW GARDENS.

501 Walnut SI, A'lentown, Pa. 437-2732 1 4 2 BEDROOM APTS Bethlehem PA. Sumy 4 Bright with walk dosets, wall to wall carpeting, all appliances. Pets negotiable. Short term leases available.

Off street parking 4 more. Give us a can at 865-5757. Oa Hollow Apenments. "REALLY A NICE PLACE TO CALL Sunburst P-ooerty Management 1 4 2 BR Aprs. $315, $350 4 UP.

Total Elect. Pets considered, 'Is, 432-4257 or 791-2674 1 4 2 BR convt. werenouse. Contemp. layouts, tg.

widows, A heatpump, DW 4 dnoosal, laundry, PKg. 814 Gordon St. Fryi $345 mis. remod, Ig yard, l26Vmo. Also Efficiency $235 mo utHs.

2BR Well maintained, 9tn Linden. I3tSincl MT. can m-T2t. joe. LT 1 1 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE fii-T'JSrV APARTMENT On east VSO0 mo Ist-KH aft 5.

benmd Dan I RM tcnen 4 bam efficiency. AND A CLUB HOUSE, TOO! Schantz's Farmer AAamet. i baths, dining area, you own wasner dryer in the apart 539 Hamilton St. J200 mo u. Soring Ridge's 1.

2 3 bedroom coariments ore somestiing to behold And our extra are somettiing to be enpyed. Like our pnvcie clubhouse witn ptsrty fociimes end adjoining sw mmmg pool pato the great outdoors, the greot inaocrs At Sonng dge. Call 433-6777 hw mci. ia s. rure ig-riyi 12TH 4 LINDEN Spacious, ment, air conditioning, private sunny 1 BK.

LK, Uf, HIT. I jZTT' irt MtKii Rpn'al shoo area, sm Can 775-7T! oerrrfSSy O0aS 132a CHEW ST Ao bug. 2-id security deposit. Ca noti tor fir eic. gd opotv.

resp person, en apoomtmei, 262-8881. unoer 35-'t 432-H'l SuQjrs: P-operM va-aaemen 4 CMEW Effic LR-BR 1 BR In gooc area cooo eal in kit, perfect for 1. Nice cond. Only 1355 mo. R.R.

JI39 rr ind ht. CRST 3-(044 434-9514 U2BR Um Chew. 2br, sm. kit greet BR LS. DR, kit, bam.

2nd starter Aouv no oes WSind nr, uis. MSO. sec, Base. ht vait inr-ed. 966-9S39 t33 PCT St, IBR 1st fl aos Hist Aitwn.

3 BR Newv decorated AO Just res'or Beaut new kit i ww omv No pets. 29 ir crpt. S32S ino urtt fW-SMB. i St. S375mo sec 395-459 13 i Fairtront Sts (S 15 St 22) Model afg rental md.

heat hoiwater. Loc in West End. convt. to bus stoos. Tremont Aon, 23rd Livingston Sts.


The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.