to Stmr. oral LOCAL PORT NEWS AND SHIP ACTIVITY Exports For Week Ended September 20 Reported At $2,371,643. IMPORTS TOTAL Schooner Damaged In Collision ON Poplar Island Arrives With Cargo. the week of September 13. Damaged In Collision.
Charles H. Holtzman, Collector of Customs, in his report of the business of the port for the week ended September 20 shows exports valued at 643. an increase of $113,948 'over the previons week. Exports exceeded imports by $1,202.538. Imports totaled articles free of duty $346.940 $1.169,538, represented by a a a $822.165 in dutiable.
an increase of $132,521 over With bowsprit carried away and the knightheads and "timbers started the schooner Mary A. Fisher arrived from Conn river with canned goods. The master reported his vessel was run into Thursday night off Poplar Island by the power boat New Berne, bound down from Baltimore for Norfolk and Suffolk. The Fisher was brought to port without assistance. Her cargo was not damaged, the master said.
Claims Citizenship. John: Swanson, a Swede, was a stowaway on the steamer Schoharie which arrived Sunday from Cork. He claims American citizenship. which he said was granted in Alaska, where he had been a miner and general utility man in ing parties. Experiences in Alaska are being written by the stowaway, he asserts.
for a monthly publication. The Immigration Board held Swanson until his citizenship claim is investigated. Port Paragraphs. The only cargo of bananas this week is the steamer Bowden, which arrived from Jamaica with 24.550 bunches to the United Fruit Company. James A.
Newton, assistant keeper of Seven Foot Knoll light station, has resigned. Ulysses I. Rollins, additional keeper in the district. has been assigned to succeed Mr. Newton.
With a large shipment of copper, lumher and canned goods from Pacific ports, the United American Lines steamer Peter Kerr began discharging at Locust Point. Capt. G. Hudgins, Baltimore, deft last night for New York to take command of the Bull Line steamer Millinocket, loading there for Cuba. Port Of Baltimore September 22, 1924.
ARRIVED. Porta Vieth, from Bremen; general, A. Schumacher Co. At Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Pier 9, Locust Point. Stor.
West Inskip. Turner, from Antwerp and Rotterdam via Boston: general, to Black Diamond. Steamship, Corporation. At Pennsylvania Railroad Pier 6. Canton.
Stir. Munalbro. Giles, from Portland, Maine; ballast. to Munson Steamship Company. At Western Maryland Railway Coal Piers, Port Covington.
Stmr. Quincy, Clark, from Galveston; sulphur, to master. Stir. Norfolk, Forrest, from New York; general, to Steamship Company. At Hughes and Henry streets, south of basin.
Stmr. Kershaw, Ryan. from Providence; general, to Merchants and Miners Transportation ComSchr. Mary A. Fisher, Beauchamp, from Coan; pany, canned goods.
Was in collision with power boat New Berne, P. 18th, off Poplar Island. Schr. William Russell, Jordan, from York River; lumber. Schr.
Schr. Florence, from Nomini; canned goods. Carrie, Clarke, from Bay Shore, pulp wood. Schr. Alice and Annie, Phillips, from Cambridge; light.
Schr, George Garrison, Rowe, from Ware River; light. Schr. Amanda Lewis, Price, from Coan; canned Rocde. Schr. Russell Wingate, Wingate, from Choptank; canned goods.
Barge Yenrut IV, from Philadelphia; sugar, to Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company. CLEARED. Stmr. Kershaw, Ryan, for Providence; general, by Merchants a and Miners Transportation Company. Stir.
Kirsten, Jenson Berentzen, for Houston: ballast. by W. F. Spice Inc. City of Kankow Nelson, for New Verk: ballast.
by Norton, Lilly de Co. Stmr. Esther Weems, Machen, for Miami; genani pissengers, by Baltimore and CaroSteams Company. Wan. 1.
Franklin, Wilson, for Rappahanby l'aul Co. George H. Meekine, Shenton, for Tolchester: Betty Conway, Conway, for Alexandria, ria Crisfield: by Wathen Co. SAILED. Sunrs.
Kemhaw. for P'rovidence; Ericsson and Weedall for Philadelphia; City of Hankow for New York: Father Weems, for Miami. hirs, Lydia McLellen. Baxter, for Port Mabel A. Frye, for Windsor, N.
Madison, for Chibarien (sailed 21st). Report of schr. Virginia Pendleton sailing 2st for Portland, Maine, was an error. CHESAPEAKE BAY PORTS. COVE POINT.
Sept. light southeast. CAPE HENRY. Sept. 20-8 A.
clear, northeast, miles; noon, clear, southeast, 16 4 P. partly cloudy, southeast, 16 miles. Passed In-8 A. atmr. Crampton Anderson, From New Orleans; 9 A.
stmr. Nancy Weems. from Georgetown, S. 1 P. schr.
Charles A. Dean. from Camden. Maine: P. stmr.
Ignazio Florio from Genoa ria New York. Passed Out-21st, 9 P. stmr. F. Barstow, for Tampico; 10 P.
Liverpool Maru for Hamburg via New York; 22d. 6 A. stmr. Willsolo, for San Diego via New ME Tork. Lizzie BRADLEYS D.
Peabody, LANDING, Brown, Sept. to load lumber schr. for Baltimore. WEST POINT. VA.
Sept. schrs. W. J. Mathews, Morey, for Marshails with wheat: Bohemia, Riggin, from Baltimore, for Aslette to lad lumber on return.
SMITHFIELD, Sept. 20. -Sailed, schr. Emily and Catherine Phillips, for Baltimore. SAILED FOR BALTIMORE.
Stmr. Santa Olivia, from San Francisco, Cristobal 20th. Stmr. Sidney M. Hauptman, from Astoria, Cristobal 20th.
ARRIVED FROM BALTIMORE. Stmr. Editor, for Havre, New York 22d. Stmr. Santa Paula, for Cristobal, Philadelphia 22d.
Star. Fort Gaines Bierman, Port Maria 22d. Stmr. Cold Harbor, for Manchester, New York Zist. Nimr.
Oradell Yates, Port Antonio 22d. Stmr. Marore, for Cruz Grande, Cristobal 20th, and sailed. Stmr. Mobile City, for Manila, Cristobal 20th and sailed.
Stmr. Philadelphia, Bayley, New York 22d. Juniata, Jones, Boston 22d. Stmr. Berkshire, Nickerson, for Jacksonville, Savannah 22d.
Stir. Betty Weems, Forrest, for Charleston and Stmr. Manatawney, Port Avansas Zist. Miami, Georgetown 22d. 1 MEMORANDA.
Stmr. William Perkins, San Franciaco for Baltimore, at New York 2st. Stmr. Malakland from Calcutta, for Baltimore, at New York 22d. WIRELESS.
(Positions given are for noon unless otherwise indicated.) Stmr. Seekonk, Baltimore for San Francisco, 632 miles east Ambrose 21st. Stmr. Hugoton, Baltimore for Tampico, 61 miles north-northwest Diamond 21st. Stmr.
Nordfarer Baltimore for Corner Brook, N. 250 miles east Sandy Hook 21st. Sunr. Coelleda, Belfast for Baltimore via New York. 484 miles east Ambrose 21st.
Stmr. Elzasier Antwerp for Baltimore, lat. 44.42 and long. 52.32, 20th. Stmr.
Westpool, Baltimore for Hamburg, 331 miles cast Boston 20th. Stmr. Corning. Tampico for Baltimore, 47 miles southwest Hatteras 21st. Stair.
Oarteret, Delfina, 224 miles Otter. Tampa south-southwest for Diamond Baltimore via 20th. N. Y. Cotton Market New York, Sept.
cotton market was comparatively quiet today, with prices lower under pre-bureau liquidation and a little Southern hedging. Decomber broke to 21.56c., or 39 points net tower, and closed at 21.57c., the general market closing steady at net declines of 25 to 46 points. The marKet opened barely steady at a decline of 8 to 17 points in response to relatively easy Liverpool cables and the long -range forecast for better weather in the bet. 1 Further covering and a little trade braying around the opening figures rallied prices a few points, but they soon eased off again and reached the lowest levels of the day in the late trading. 0c- tober sold at 22.13c.
and at 21.59c., making net declines Januarit 39 to 46 points on the active positions. The action of the market suggested that covering by shorts in preparation for tomorrow's Government report had been pretty well completed last week, leaving the market without much support of that character. The trade buying reported early was in small volume, the market consequently was sensitive to comparatively small selling orders, whether in liquidation or speculative long accounts or from the South. Another private report estimated the condition of the crop at 57.7 and the indicated yield at 13.100,000 bales. The average of nine of these private crop reports showed a condition of 57.5, with an indicated crop of 13,015,000 bales and the average of estimates by members of the New York Cotton Exchange pointed to a condition of 56.8.
According to private reports all ocean freight room available for October shipment from Gulf ports hag been booked. Exports today, 31,263 bales. making 642,004 bales far this season. Port receipts, 45,387 bales; United States port stocks, 429.547 bales. Prices ranged as follows: High.
Low. Close. Prev. Close. 22.55 22.13 22.16a22.19 22.55a22.38 21.96 21.56 21.57a21.59 21.95a22.00 22.02 21.50 21.59a21.61 22.05a22.08 March 22.30 21.88 21.88a21.95 22.28a22.30 22.47 22.06 22.09a22.10 22.17N 22.48a22.50 22.06 21.90 21.81N CATTLE PRICES MOVE UPWARD Most Of Steer Grades Improve.
After Slump Of Last Week. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Sept. 22. At the opening sessions of the cattle market this week a small supply resulted in increased activity and a rising market with most of the medium and good steers 25 cents higher than last week's close. Plain heavy cattle suffered a sharp slump last week and closed 50 to 75 cents lower than the preceding week.
There were many weighty unfinished cattle offered and the demand called for light kinds. A outlet for heavy beef dulled the caper of the trade considerably. Buyers paid up to $11.40 for choice handy-weight. yearlings and a good many plain and medium heavy steers at $8.50 to $9.50. Grassers were numerous and slow sale at $7 to $8, of cattle last week was to 70,000, includwith rangers at $6 to $7.
The supply ing 15,000 rangers. The previous week's total was 70,000 and a year ago 000 arrived. Female stock sold slowly and weaker, with the plain grass cows and heifers mostly 25 cents lower for the week. The bulk sold at $4 to $6, with a few fat cows and heifers at $8 to $9. The calf market improved after the slump at the first of the week and finished with the best vealers at $11 to $12 and the plainer kind at $10 to $11.
Stockers and feeders declined several points, with receipts larger than usual. Live-Stock Markets Baltimore. Stock Yards, Bought on the market yesterday: Frank Warner, Lineboro, 130; Greenwold Packing Corporation, 532; B. N. Gordon, Greencastle, 49 WilsonMartin 202; T.
T. Keane Company, Bennings, D. 25; Edward Heinz, 114; John Derrse, 13: Tom Clark, Corkran, Hill 322: C. Cecil, 11; H. F.
Cover. Westminster, 7T: Heilbrun Loeb, Philadelphia. 62 J. W. Lower.
A. Loeffler Provision Company, Bennings, D. 15; Consolidated Dressed Beef Company, Philadelphia, 226: L. Lauman, 18; A. Grebe, 26; SchluderbergKurdle Company, 212; Cross Silverberg, Philadelphia, 40; Kaufman Packing 97; Jaeger Hanover, Shafer 60; M.
J. Reese Son, C. H. Rabbitt, Gaithersburg, 78; George Schuppner Son, 44; J. J.
Buckley, Chester, 34; A. W. 'Schmidt Son, 23; Jaeger 82; John kum, 12; George Roeder Son, 12; C. W. King, Westminster, Harry Schuppner, 8: Chris Schmeiser, 12; N.
Auth Provision Company, Bennings, D. 38: H. Browning, 54. Cattle Receipts yesterday were 1,500 head; 102 carloads for market for the week with a liberal supply; heavy cattle were from 50c. to 75c.
lower; other grades 50c. lower; bulls and cows dull. Steers, good to choice, medium to good, common to medium, $6a common, Heifers, good to choice, fair to good, common to medium, Bulls, good to choice, fair to good, common to medium, Cows, good to choice, fair to good, common to medium, Sheep and Lambs--Receipts yesterday were 300 head; moderate supply: market slow. Sheep, lambs, Hogs- vesterday were 4,700 head: fair supply; market strong to higher: lights, heavy, medium. pigs, roughs, Calves--Receipts yesterday were 800 head: good supply; market lower.
especially bad on heavy calves; calves, $3 a11.50; extra, $12. Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 20,000 head; weighty fed steers closing very slow at recent sharp declines: liberal supply unsold; most medium-grade and stale offerings held over from last week: yearlings and desirable handy weights strong to 25c. higher, mostly 10c.
to 15c. up; top yearlings, mixed steers and heifers upward to that price: numerous loads handy weights averaging 1,113 pounds, some 1,206 pound average, $11; best big weight steers, $10.65, average weight, 1,496 pounds: few loads weighty bullocks. these grades very choice: some rough weighty steers averaging 1,514 pounds, $9.25: 1,644 pounds average, Western grassers steady to strong; spots sharply higher on better grades; bulk to killers. $6a7: two loads upward to $7.65 to killers; Montana yearlings to feeder dealers upward to she stock very uneven, steady to strong, closed weak; bulls 10c. to 15c.
higher; vealers and stockers and feeders steady. Hogs-Receipts, 27,000 head; desirable grades fairly active, mostly 15c. to 20c. higher; slaughter pigs and light lights largely 25c. up; others slow, strong to 10c.
higher; top, bulk better 160 to 230 pound weight, good and choice 250 to 350 pound butchers largely majority better than 140 to 150 pound kind, bulk packing sows. strong 'weight slaughter pigs largely estimated holdover, 11.000 head. Sheep-Receipts, 20,000 head; fat lambs steady to strong, spots 25c. higher; sorting moderate; bulk natives. few to outsiders, $13.25: bulk Western lambs, $13, some held higher; few yearling wethers sheep steady; aged wethers, bulk fat ewes, feeding lambs fully steady: few yearlings and wethers.
bulk desirable feeders, top, full-mouthed breeding ewes, New York. New York, Sept. 2,600 head: bulls, frregular; steers, State cows, Calves- 4,880 head; steady to firm; veals, culls and little calves, $6a8; buttermilks and grassers, fed calves, $6a7. Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 10,670 head; steady; sheep, $3a6; culls, $2a3; lambs, $9a14; culls, $7a8. Hogs--Receipts, 2,930 head: steady; light to medium weights, pigs, heavy hogs, roughs, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh, Sept. Cattle Receipts, 3,500 head; lower; steers, heifers. cows, Hogs 7,500 head; higher; heavies, heavy Yorkers, light Yorkers, pigs, Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 8,500 head; steady: top sheep, top lambs, $13. Calves -Receipts, 1,300 head; steady; top. $13.
CHICAGO STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Sept. 22. Armour preferred, Hurley Machine, Libby-McNeill, Middle West Utilities, 73; Swift Swift International, Union Carbide, United States Gypsum, 112. Baltimore County Licenses.
21; Pauline 19; both of York, Pa. Robert 22, Chestnut Ridge; Mabel 19, Lutherville. KILLINGSTA SCHROEDER. -Toralo 31. Brooklyn; Marie 37, 1021 West Franklin street.
00 1 A A THE SUN, BALTIMORE, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924. Classifications Nos. 1 to 10 21 Deaths (1) September 20, 1924, ANNA E. (nee Schneider), beloved wife of William H. Beck.
Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Howard S. Hunt, 2027 East Preston street, en Tuesday at 10 A. M. Interment private.
23e September 21, 1924, ANGUST, beloved husband of Victorine Bena. Funeral from his late residence, 1315 North Montford avenue, on Tuesday morning at 8.30; thence to St. Catherine's Church, where a Requiem High Mass will be said for the repose of his soul at 9 o'clock. Interment in BaltiCemetery. 23e On September 22, 1924, GRACE RANKIN BROWN.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services from her late residence, 5 East Biddle street, on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment private. 24 BUSSEY. On September 21, 1924. THOMAS in his 8Sth year, beloved husband of Octavia A.
Bussey. Funeral from his late residence. 3 Cherry avenue, Belmar, on Wednesday at 8.30 A. M. Mass at St.
Michael's Church, Overlea, at 9 A. M. Interment in St. Ignatius' Cemetery, Harford county, Maryland. 24 On September 21, 1924, EDWARD W.
son of the late Edward W. and Virginia Carpenter (nee Seibold). Funeral from the parlor of Harry H. Witzke. Lombard aud Gilmor streets.
Tuesday at 3 P. M. Interment in Greenmount Cemetery. 23 CARPENTER. -On September 22, 1924, FRANK aged 57 years, beloved husAgnes A.
Carpenter. Funeral from his late residence, 527 North Bouldin street. Due notice. 23e CROSBY. -On September 20, 1924, WITLIAM husband of Maud S.
Crosby (nee Taylor). Philadelphia (Pa.) papers please Funeral services at his late residence, 3023 Walbrook avenue, on Tuesday, September 23, at 9.30 A. M. Interment in Greenmount Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 23e September 21.
1924, CHARLES beloved husband of Elizabeth Davenport (nee Fraser). (Ont.) and Winnipeg free press papers please Funeral will take place from the residence of his son, Percy F. Davenport, 423 Loudon avenue. Wednesday at 3.30 P. M.
24 DITTMANN. On September 21, 1924, JULIANA. aged S1 years, beloved wife of the late Andrew Dittmann. (D. papers please The funeral from her late residence, 2504 East Fairmount avenue, on Thursday, September 25.
at 8.15 A. M. Requiem High Mass at St. Michael's Church at 9 A. M.
Interment in Holy Redeemer Cemetery. 25 September 22, 1924, MARY. beloved wife of the late George Ehrbardt. Funeral will take place from the residence of her son. Mr.
John G. Ehrhardt. 53 East Hamilton avenue, Hamilton, of which due notice will be given. FRASER. On September 22, 1924, GILBERT FRASER, late H.
B. M. ConsulGeneral, husband of Josephine K. Fraser. Funeral services at St.
Paul's Church, Charles and Saratoga streets, at 4 P. M. Tuesday. September 23. 23 On September 22, 1924.
S. ELMA FRICKE, beloved wife of William A. Fricke, at the home of Mr. James Dunnigan. Street, Md.
(D. and Milwaukee (Wis.) papers please Requiem Migh Mass will be said for the repose of her soul at St. Margaret Chapel, Belair, on Wednesday morning at 9.30 o'clock. 23e On Sept. 21, 1924, FRANK beloved husband of Mary E.
Gore. Funeral from his late residence, Freeland, September 24, at 10.30 A. M. Interment in Middletown Cemetery. 24 On September 19, 1924, MARY beloved daughter of the late William E.
and Christianna Groome. Funeral from her late residence, 722 North Gay street, on Tuesday, September 23, at 3 P. M. Interment in Greenmount Cemetery. 23 September 21, 1924, JOHN aged 74 years, beloved husband of the late Carrie M.
Gross. Funeral will take place from his late residence at Stemmers Run on Wednesday. September 24, at 3 P. M. Interment in Zion Lutheran Cemetery.
24e On September 22, 1924, JOHN aged 65 years, beloved husband of Christina Hagen (nee Mayers) and son of the late Frederick and Margaret Hagen, of Catonsville, Md. Funeral from his late residence, 1822 East Federal street, on Wednesday at 1.30 P. M. Interment in Salem Lutheran Cemetery. at Washington, D.
September 21, 1024, THEODORE beloved husband of the late Grace Hesse (nec Crawford). Funeral from his late residence, 616 East Twenty-ninth street, of which due notice will be given. 23 Suddenly, on September 21, 1924, MARY ELIZABETH, beloved daughter of George W. and Ida Ganser Hill. Funeral from her parents' residence.
1817 West Franklin street. Tuesday at 10.30 A. M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 23 On September 21, 1924, ANNIE beloved wife of Harry B.
Humphreys. Funeral from her home, 6231 York road, on Wednesday, September 24, at 11 A. M. Interment (private) in Loudon Park Cemetery. 24 On September 21, 1924, ELANOR widow of the late Thomas C.
Jenkins. Funeral services at her late regidence, College avenue, Pittsburgh, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 23 KRAESKI. On September 21, 1924, at the Maryland General Hospital, ARTHUR beloved son of Christiana and Martin Kraeski. Funeral from the home of his father, near Garrettsville.
Md. Services at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Laurel, September 24, 8.30 A. M.
Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery. 23e LACKEY. On September 21. 1924, JAMES.
aged 58 years, beloved husband of Mary Lackey. Funeral from his late residence, 526 South Thirteenth street, on Wednesday morning at 8.30 o'clock. High Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 9 clock. Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery. 24e On September 20, 1924, RINA beloved wife of the late Peter L.
Lineweaver. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William F. Wagner, 1158 Longwood street, on Tuesday, September at 2 P. M.
Interment (private) in Loudon Park Cemetery. 23 MITCHELL September 21. 1924, LOLA, H. (nee Fitzhugh), beloved wife of the late Lombard C. Mitchell.
papers please Interment Fredericksburg, September 23, 1924. 23e On September 21, 1924, KATHERINE, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. J. A.
Diehl, at Glen Rock. Pa. Funeral Thursday, September 25, at 10 A. M. at Reform Church, Shrewsbury, Pa.
23 September 1924, MAUDE DUSHANE. wife of Lieut. James H. Morrison, U. S.
retired. Funeral services Tuesday at 8 P. M. Daylight- saving time, at residence. 21 South Wycombe avenue.
Lansdowne, Pa. Interment Wednesday at 1 P. M. Standard time in Union Cemetery, Lancaster county. Pennsylvania.
23e September 20. 1921, AMELIA in her 67th year, beloved wife of John P. New. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at her residence, 1407 Poplar Grove street, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery.
23e -On September 22, 1924. EDWARD, beloved husband of Annie E. Poole. (W. Va.) papers please 24e Funeral services will be held at his late residence.
529 Richwood avenue, Govans. OT Wednesday af P. M. Interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery. Suddenly, on September 20.
near Eastport, Anne Arundel county, CHARLES aged 40 years, beloved husband of Louise E. Robinson. Funeral from his late residence. on Annapolis Neck road. on Tuesday, September 23.
at noon. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, at 2.30 P. M. 99 On September 22, 1924, HENRY. aged 59 years, husband of Mamie Scheid.
Funeral will take place from the residence of his son. George Scheid, North Fulton avenue, on Wednesday at 2 P. M. 210 Deaths (1) September 21, 1924, JULIA wife of Arthur H. Snyder and daughter of Grace and the late Jacob Hildebrand.
Funeral from her late residence, 1603 Clifton avenue. on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 24e September 22. 1924. MARGARET, aged 40 years.
beloved ter of the late Daniel and Alice Smith. Funeral from Wendell Dipple Son's funeral parlors, 330 South Bond street. Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Requiem High Mass will be read for the repose of her soul at 9 o'clock at St. Patrick's Church.
Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery. 21 On September 21. 1924. MAY beloved wife of John F. Sommers and daughter of Fannie and the late William B.
Lee. Funeral from her late residence. 31 South Carroilton avenue, on Thursday. September 25. at 8.30 A.
M. Requiem High Mass at St. Peter's Church at 9 o'elock. Interment in Cathedral Cemetery. 25 TAYLOR.
On September 22, 1924. ESTELLA A. TAYLOR (nee Giles). 31 years, beloved wife of Perrie Taylor. Funeral from the residence of her mother, Mrs.
Barbara Giles. 1516 Byrd street, on Wednesday P. M. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. 24e September 20.
1924. MARY beloved wife of Edward Trusheim. Funeral from the residence of her nephew. Kyland Shoemaker, 531 MaryJand avenue, Brooklyn. on Tuesday at 2.30 P.
M. Interment in Western Cemetery. 23e URBAN. On -September 20, 1924. after a brief illness, KATIE.
aged 41 years, beloved wife of Edward Urban. Frueral will take place from her late residence, Taylor avenue, Parkville, on Tuesday, September 23, at 8.15 A. thence to St. Dominick's Church, Hamilton, where Mass will be said for the repose of her soul at 9 A. M.
Interment in Parkwood Cemetery. 23e On September 20. 1924. ELIZABETH, beloved wife of Charles Wallblick (nee Hanneman). Funeral from her late residence.
2745 Winchester street, on Wednesday morning, September 20, at 8 o'clock. Solemn High Mass at St. Edward's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in Holy Redeemer Cemetery. 24e On September 21.
1924. at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. C. Oscar Myers, 15 Rockdale avenue.
Raspeburg, JAMES aged 81 years. beloved husband of the late Emma P. Walmsley. (Md.) papers please Funeral to take place from the above residence on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Baltimore Cemetery.
24e Suddenly, on September 21. 1924. MICHAEL beloved husband of M. Teresa Ward (nee Willingham). Funeral from his late residence, 708 East Chase street, of which due 110- tice will be given.
23 WEBER. Suddenly, on September 18. 1924, at Chicago, JOHN, belored husband of the late Louise Weber (nee Meyers). Funeral from the funeral parlors of George L. Schwab, 2101 Frederick arenue.
on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment in Western Cemetery. 23e WOZNIAK. On September 19. 1924, JOSEPH WOZNIAK.
aged 43 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 2004 Fleet street, Tuesday, September 23. at 9 A. M. Interment in Rosary Cemetery.
ZA -Suddenly. on September ARTHUR 18, 1921, beat Quakertown, loved husband of Lilly Zake (nee Moerken). papers please Funeral from his late residence, 1905 West Pratt street, OiL Tuesday at P. M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery.
23 CEMETERIES AND LOTS. (2) Druid Ridge Cemetery, PIKESVILLE. Incomparable for beauty, location, excellent appointment and service. Lot prices consistent. Pikesville and Emory Grove cars to entrance.
City office, 505 Cathedral street. Telephone Vernon 6938. Pikesville 159. LOUDON PARK CEMETERY. AREA, 350 ACRES.
150 ACRES UNSOLD. LOTS FROM $55 UP. Under perpetual care. Time payments if desired. PHONES -GILMOR 0772 OR VERNON 6938.1 PARK WOOD.
Baltimore's Strictly Lawn Plan Cemetery. Lots sold on small monthly payments if desired. Phone Hamilton 0585 for autos. WOODLAWN CEMETERY. Take Woodlawn direct City office, 401 TITLE BUILDING.
MT. OLIVET -Full Lot in choice section; best offer. 3167 ELMORA AVENUE. VAULTS. (3) ALL Graves admit water.
ASPHALT GRAVE VAULTS keep contents dry as dust for ages at small cost. Ask your Undertaker or telephone Gilmor 0265. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (4) HENRY W. JENKINS SONS D.
W. Jenkins. President. Funeral Directors Since 1799. McCULLOH, ORCHARD AND ST.
ST. WOLFE BERTRAM W. GORE. Funeral Parlors. 1723 W.
Lafavette are. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES. (5) PATAPSCO GRANITE 55-M. Opposite Woodlawn Cemetery. Phone Woodlawn FLORISTS (6) FUNERAL Designs.
The Art Flower Store. P. P. Cummings, 2030 Edmondson ave. Gil.
5202. SENT Anywhere -Flowers, Trees. J. WAGNER. 1220 N.
Charles st. Vern. 7138-J. Towson 428. FLOWERS for all occasions.
HAHN HAHN, 214 W. Saratoga st. Vernon IN MEMORIAM. (7) -In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother. ANNIE CUNNINGHAM.
who departed this life one year ago today, September 23, 1923. My wife hath now left me, Alone do I sigh; As a stone by the wayside, Neglected doth lie. I 20 to the graveyard, For there she doth sleep; My heart it is broken, In sorrow I weep. BY HER LOVING HUSBAND. A mother dear, a mother kind, Has gone and left us all behind; For all of us she did her best.
So God grant her eternal rest. Dear mother, one Fear ago you left us, How we miss your kind and loving face; You left us to remember None on earth can take your place. We never will forget you, dear mother, While in life we stay. Our hearts have never been the same Since you have passed away. BY HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS.
ANNA, IRENE AND LILLIAN. loving remembrance of SUSIE C. KREYMBORG, who died one year ago today, September 23, 1923. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest: And who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best. 23e MRS.
M. WEIGMAN. In loving but sad remembrance of our dear daughter and sister. MARY B. LOEWER.
who died three years ago, September 22. 1921. Every day brings back sweet memories, Every memory brings a tear: Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of the one we loved so dear. BY HER FAMILY. 23 memory of our beloved daughter And sister, MAIDA BOYD STABE.
who died four years ago, September 22. Sleep. Maida. until God awakens thee. 23e BY HER MOTHER AND SISTER.
LOST AND FOUND. (8) AIREDALE terrier. 7 menths old. lost or strayed. Reward if returned to 1024 WILLIA3 ST.
BLACK Traveling Beg. containing Wearing Apparel, lost in Druid Hill Park or Wyman's Drive. Liberal reward. Call HOMEWOOD 7917. BOOK of Deposit No.
F0331, Central Savings Bank of Baltimore, in name of Sarah Wilson. Finder will please return to the Bank. BUNCH of Keys. Saturday, from Hamilton to W. Balto.
st. Reward. 1020 W. Balto. st.
4-6 P. M. DOG -Lost male Airedale; answers to name Tiger: license 9796. Liberal reward. Return to Pardoe.
1019 Wilkens avenue. DOG FOUND Call Woodlawn 116-R. 90 REAL ESTATE DEALS AND BUILDING NEWS West Baltimore Street Warehouse Is Leased For Long Term Of Years. $700,000 REPORTED PRICE Ten Dwellings Will Be Erected In 2800 Block Baker Street, According To Plans. The large five story and basem*nt warehouse at 107-109 West Baltimore street has been leased for a long term of years by J.
Marshall Melvin, of Bentley Melvin, men's furnishings. Lease was from the Gaither estate for a rental aggregating approximately 0 $700.000. is it said was to said. mark a The record term for of commercial leases of downtown property. The building has frontage of feet and has been occupied by the importing firm of Maass Kemper since the fire in 1904.
Maass Kemper recently acquired the large warehouse at the southeast corner of Hopkins Place and Redwood street and will occupy the new location about January 1. The latter building was acquired through Julius Mintz, broker, and is now being remodeled. Sale of the residence at 4219 Wickford road, Roland Park, for George C. Thomas to Robert W. Peach, was reported by the G.
W. Abell Company. The lot is improved by a three-story Colonial brick house, containing nine rooms and two baths. The same brokers also reported the leasing of 3933 Cedar avenue for the Home Building Corporation to J. Dukes Wooters.
Mrs. Pauline S. Lazaron has sold the property at 1712 Linden avenue to an undisclosed purchaser, through the Peyton B. Strobel Company. The lot is 18 by 130 feet and is improved by a three-story brick residence, containing 10 rooms and two baths.
Other sales reported by the same brokers include: 1431 Mount Royal avenue, to Mrs. Nellie Palmer and Miss Annie H. Brown; 2202 Brookfield avenue. to David S. Kaufman, and a lot on Brookwood road, Hunting Ridge, to Howard W.
Taylor. Three residential leases were reported by F. N. Iglehart including 1900 Linden avenue, to Mrs. C.
M. Jefferson; 3909 Canterbury road, to H. B. Herring. and 1819 St.
Paul street, to Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity. The same brokers also reported sale of the property at 729 McKewin avenue, for the Rochester Home Building Company, to Miss Nelly Connor, subject to a ground rent of $68. Plans for the erection of 10 brick dwellings at 2801-29 Baker street, at a cost of about $35,000. were filed with the Building Inspector by the Walbrook Construction Company. M.
L. Saulsbury applied for a permit to build 10 two-story brick dwellings at 2201-19 Riggs avenue, at 8 cost of about $30,000. Sale of unimproved property on the south side of Riggs avenue, east of Bentalou for Charles H. Wagner and John Burns to an undisclosed purchaser, was reported by Leo A. Hogan.
It is understood that the property will be improved by 15 two-story brick dwellings. The same broker also reported sale of a lot on the west side of Ready avenue, south of Rich wood, Govans, for Dominic Catalano to a client represented by Lee Dornberg. Maury, Donnelly, Williams Parr have leased for a term of years the second floor of the warehouse at 210 Hanover street to C. Raymond Levis. A.
D. Clemens Sons reported sale of a and a cottage at 4805 Crowson avenue, Govans, for John T. Street to Robert Riele, subject to a ground rent of $75. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Baltimore City.
Monday, Sept. 22. ALTO, s.e.s., nr. Lyndhurst -Wm. R.
Weber, to Mayor and City ALTO, S.o.s., 11T. Lyndhurst- Patrick Keelty Mayor and City Council, 2 .26,000 ALTO AND MT. HOLLY, s.w. cor. -Caspar G.
Boerner to Mayor and City Council. ...2,787.75 BANK. s.s., nr. Caroline Jno. Weiss and wife to Ray 5 BRIGHTON.
3102- -Charles T. Kaiss and wife to Jeannette S. Fleischer BRIGHTON. n.s., near Rosedale -Charles T. Kaiss and to Viola E.
5 wife to W. Haynie and wife, g.r. BROADWAY. Chariots Sheselsky and $48 5 BROSIUS. n.c.s..
nr. Linwood--Manhattan Land Corp. to Ernest Odileode Sousa Salgado 700 CHASE, n.s., nr. Milton -Roy Bare and wife to Abraham J. London and wife, g.r.
$50.... 5 CROSSLAND. nr. Erdman- -Maryland Title Guaranty Company to William N. Bartels and 5 CURLEY 721 -Emil Lunak and wife to John H.
Pike and 5 DENMORE, n.0.6., near Spalding- -Northern Realty Company to Abraham Rochkind and wife 5 EASTERN, 5203-Milburn Realty Company to Anna E. Schloendorn. 5 EASTERN. 5203 to 21-Isaac Rosenberg to Milburn Really 5 EDMONDSON n.s., Appleton--Thomas A. FALLS Murray, ROAD, 4100- to -Jos.
Kitty B. G. Fite, to g.r. L. $75..1,375 Moss H.
Levy (5-year FAYETTE 1922 E. -Abraham Peregoff and wife to David Levin. g.r. $10.50.......... 5 FIRST.
823-Wm. Heyser and wife to and City .583.34 FOURTH, e.s.. nr. Annapolis--Standard Wholesale Phosphate Company, to Henry W. Schleibaum 10 FREDERICK, s.e.s., of East Lynne ave.
-Anna K. Hammerbacher, to Helen 5 FREDERICK 4232 Charles H. Schlosser and wife to Joseph J. Dumler and wife (lease) GILMOR, 319 AND 321 N. -Benjamin Blum to Dave B.
Kirsner, g.r. 5 GRAYSON. 8.8., ny. 10th-Nicholas C. Manos and wife to Fred J.
Beardsley and wife, 5 GREENMOUNT 3215 -Samuel Fox, to Raphael Poliakoff and 5 GWINN OAK, n.S.. nr. Milford--Annie P. Lewis to George H. 5 GWINN OAK, center, nr.
Milford -Annie P. Lewis to George H. 5 GWYNN OAK. center, nr. Milford--George H.
Lewis and wife to Annie 5 HAMBURG, nr. William -Thomas A. Taylor and wife to Mayor and City 5 HOFFMAN. n.s., nr. Collington-Wm.
Scherer and wife to George F. Flentjo, Jr, g.r. $60.. 5 HOWARD, 702 N. -Louis Fisher to Samuel Fisher, g.r.
5 INDEPENDENT 2926 -Annie G. McCormick to John E. Catitton and wife, g.r. $49.. 5 INDEPENDENT 2926-Martin J.
Gaynor and wife to John E. Catitton and wife. ....813.34 JEFFERSON AND GLOVER, 8.6. cor.George D. Balster and wife to Charles F.
Balster and wife. 5 MADISON 2324 Vogler and wife to Angela M. 5 MADISON 2324 -Angela M. Reynolds to George J. Vogler and 5 MILTON.
225 N. Joseph Goldsmith and wife Tacob Goldsmith and wife, g.r. $42... .6 MILTON, e.s.. nr.
Federal st. -Mary G. Trost husband to Emma 5 MILTON. nr. Federal st.
-Emma Reitdorf fo Mary 5 NORTH AVE. 2128 E. -Fairmount and Chapel St. P. B.
A. No. 1 to Harry H. Wilms and wife. g.r.
5 NORTHWEST. n. S. -Laura G. Ochiltree and to Mayor and City 800 NORWOOD, n.e.s., nr.
Harford- -Julius H. Requard to Josephine R. Bull, g.r. $42....... 5 OAK, w.s., near Twenty-third--Charles M.
Howard, to B. J. Frederick $153.. 1,600 PAYSON 1928 Samuel Caplan and wife to David Gogolow and wife, g.r. $54....
5 PRATT, 1505 -Abe Feldman and wife to Meyer' Dunn and wife, g.r. 5 PRIMROSE, n.s.. nr. Reisterstown-Augusta Hebb and husband to Augusta 5 REMINGTON, S. W.6., nr.
36th-Mercantile SARATOGA to Chas. F. Stein, Jr. .....2,400 1404 Herbert T. Goodwin and wife to Jacob Zetzer, g.r.
$65.. 5 SHIELDS ALLEY, 902 to 928 Carlos W. Twichell and wife to Jacob P. Gerlach and wife 6 THIRTY-SIXTH, 861-Vestry of Emmanuel Church to. Charlotte Wilson.
983.34 THIRTY-THIRD, 8.S., near Tivoly-Sadie E. Ebert to Arthur F. Waldua and 5 MISCELLANEOUS. ONE LOT -Roland Park Company to Lawrence K. Harper and 5 TWO LOTS Charles T.
Kaisg to James W. Harvel, 5 TWO LOTS- Charles T. Kaiss to Dorothy T. Hildebrand 5. TWO LOTS Milburn Realty Company to Mary I.
CH TWO H. Caplan to Frederick Conrad (lease). TWO LOTS-Mary T. Smith, to Leo A. 5 TWO LOTS- Leo A.
Schneider to Julius H. Requard 5 LOST AND FOUND. (8) Transatlantic Mail Steamers' Schedules September 20. SAILED MONDAY. None.
SAILING TUESDAY. Derfflinger, Bremen. Stockholm, Gothenburg. Pitteburgh, SAILING Hamburg. WEDNESDAY.
Berengaria, Southampton. Britannia, Lisbon. Duilio, Genoa. New York, Sept. transatlantic mail and passenger steamers to and from this port are: ARRIVED MONDAY.
Mount Clay, Hamburg September 11, Southampton September 12. Lafayette Harre September 10, Plymouth September IL Adriatic (Br.) Liverpool September 13, Queenstown Soptember 14. Leviathan, Southampton and Cherbourg Septeinber 16. DUE TUESDAY. Majestic Southampton September 17, Themistocles Patras September 14.
La Bourdonnais Bordeaux September 12. Muenchen Bremen September 13. DUE WEDNESDAY. Auranis Liverpool September 13. Assyria Glasgow September 13.
DUE THURSDAY. Lituania Danzig September, 10. Thuringia Hamburg September 13. Resolute Hamburg September 16. DUE FRIDAY.
Mauretania Southampion via Cherbourg SAILING THURSDAY. Zeeland, Antwerp. FOUR LOTS -Louis N. Blumenauer and wife to Adam Skivers, 5 SEVEN LOTS-Milburn Realty Company to Thomas C. Yearley, trustee.
LOTS Leonard G. Lindenmeyer, to Wm. I. 10c. EIGHT LOTS- Wm.
L. Stuckert and wife to Leonard 10c. EIGHTEEN LOTS -Charles E. Litsinger and wife to Charles H. Litsinger EIGHTEEN LOTS Charles E.
Litsinger to John P. 19,800 SEVERAL LOTS -Harry Denny, to Louis N. SEVERAL LOTS -Harry Denny. to Jeannette S. Van .3,080 SEVERAL LOTS- Fridman Droskin, to Beni.
Perlberg, g.r. $36.. 5 SEVERAL LOTS -Leo A. Schneider to Mary F'. Smith and husband SEVERAL LOTS Jeannette S.
Fleischer to T. Kaiss and wife. g.r. $85......... APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES -Etta G.
Dickson to Samuel K. George, Baltimore County. September 22. et al. to John S.
Grimm and 5 BALTIMORE AVE, lot-F. August Strohmeyer BROADACRES. 1ot-Securities Company to Leander Royer and Real 5 DEBAUGH FARMS, 2 Hamilton Estate Co. to Harry M. Hipple and 5 FOURTH DISTRICT, 2 lots- -Gwynn Nelson and wife to Howard W.
Lewis 10 FOURTH DISTRICT, 2 lots- Addison M. Grant to Gwynn Nelson. HARBOR VIEW. 2 lots--Eastern Development Co. to Charles W.
Jones and 5 HARRISONVILLE, near. 2 -Frederick Kuhl and wife to Walter C. Mylander and wife HILTON lot Lester M. Hood and wife to A. Louise Hartung.
JOSHUA, 4 lots Charles J. Hull to Sarah A. Burrows, et McDONOUGH HEIGHTS, 2 lots -Margaret McD. Lynch to Alfred Neal and 5 PATAPSCO lot -Alexandra forinsau and wife to James P. Moynihaz and 5 RALSTON.
lot- Fina Franklin to George C. Willis and 5 ST. HELENA. 2 lots--Charles Levis and wife to Michael G. Vronch and YEOHO, lot--Frank A.
Mays to Charles E. Wirts and 5 WASHINGTON PRODUCE MARKET (U. S. Department of Agriculture Service.) Washington, Sept. 22.
APPLES One from Pennsylvania, 6 from Virginia and 2 from West Virginia arrived, 9 cars broken and 10 cars unbroken on track; truck and express receipts light. supplies liberal, demand moderate, market steady; bushel baskets, Michigan. No. 1, duch*ess, Virand Maryland, No. 1, various varieties, No.
1 Grimes and Northwestern Greenings, No. 1. Delicious, barrels, Virginia, No. 1, Delicious, up, $7a8: few No. 1, Grimes.
21-inch up, few $6. CABBAGE Three New York arrived. 8 cars broken and 3 cars unbroken on track. Supplies liberal, demand limited, market steady. New York, bulk, per ton, round type.
$25a30. CANTALOUPES Two Colorado arrived, 6 cars broken and 3 cars unbroken on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market firm. Colorado, salmon tints, standard 45s, flats, 12s and 15s, salmon tints and pink meats. Jumbo 12s, Jumbo 8s and 9s, mostly standard crates, Honey Dews, few higher.
CELERY- One New York arrived, 3 cars broken and 2 cars unbroken on track. Supplies moderate, demand light, market steady. New York, 2-3 crates, Self- Blanching, in the rough, CORN- Supplies light, demand moderate, market strong. Homegrown, 5-dozen bags, 40a45c. dozen.
LETTUCE -Two New York arrived, 5 cars broken and 1 car unbroken on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market steady. New York, crates, Big Boston, ONIONS- TwO Ohio arrived, 1 car broken and 2 cars unbroken on track. Supplies moderate, demand limited, market steady. New York, 100-pound sacks, yellows.
No. 1. PEACHES--One New York arrived. 4 cars broken on track. Truck and express receipts light.
Supplies light. demand moderate, market firm. Virginia, bushel baskets, Elbertas, fair condition, New York, bushel baskets, Rochesters, PEARS--Four New York arrived, 6 cars broken and 3 cars unbroken OR track. Supplies liberal, demand moderate, market slightly weaker. New York.
bushel baskets, Bartletts, Clapp Favorites, mostly Seckels, $3a 3.25; Oregon, standard boxes, Anjous, mostly $5. POTATOES--Eleven New Jersey arrived. 7 cars broken and 11 cars unbroken on track. Boat receipts moderate. Supplies liberal, demand moderate.
market steady. New Jersey, United States No. 1. 150-pound sacks, Trish cobblers, Green Mountains, mostly Giants. sack.
SWEET POTATOES Arrivals since Friday's report. No carlot arrivals, 10 cars on track. Boat and homegrown receipts light. Supplies light, demand moderate. market firm.
Eastern Shore, Virginia, cloth-top stave barrels, yellows, No. 1. TOM TOES -Homegrown receipts light. Demand moderate, market steady. Homegrown, half-bushel hampers, No.
1, 75c.a$1. DAMSONS--One New York arrived, 1 car broken on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market steady. New half-bushel baskets, OTHER WASHINGTON MARKETS. Wholesale prices quoted below are for the Washington wholesale commission market and are for large lots of good, merchantable goods only.
Jobbing prices BUTTER--Best quality, lower, 43c. EGGS--Selected, candled, 38a 40c. LIVE POULTRY Roosters, chickens, Leghorns, hens, 20a26c. LIVE STOCK--Calves, lambs, beef, pigs, hogs, 10a11c. DRESSED STOCK -Hogs, hams, shoulders, loins, beef, lambs, 25a27c.
Marriage Licenses. Edwin 25; Elizabeth 19, Foster avenue. FORNOFF. -Howard 23, 411 Warren avenue; Marie 20. John 40, widower, Petersburg, W.
Janie, 21. LOHRMANN- MITCHEL George W. 22. 407 Rosedale Terrace: Pearl 21. 30, Philadelphia, Greyson 25.
-Randolph 25, 512 Harwood avenue; Mary 20. Carroll 24. 3709 Chestnut avenue; Eleanor 25. 28: Ada, 28. widow, 2207 Washington boulevard.
MUNDIS Robert 21, York, Amy 18. FUNKE- William 23, 524 Luzerne avenue: Anna, 20. MILLER -Harold 27, 2333 North Third street: Mary Sue, 18. PETERMAN WILD. George 34, Liberty Hotel: Elma 27, divorced.
EASON- 32, Bluefield. W. Lula 27. JAMES William 19, Mount Winans; Mildred 17. 21, Washington; Gladys 18.
TUCKER 27: Margaret 20, 625 South Decker avenue. 36: Martha. 24, 2435 Payson street. George 24. 104 South Schroeder street: nna 17.
In 22, 1722 Lancaster street: Laura. 18. PTASZYNSKI John 22, 1102 Binney street; Josephine 18. BANKS NITOWITZ. Moses 25, Washington; Sophia, 25.
The Sun Calendar Today's Almanac For Baltimore. Sun Moon rises.12.32 A.M. Sun High A.M., 2.21 P.M. PHASES OF THE MOON FOR SEPTEMBER. New Full First 6th Last The Weather.
Forecast for Maryland and District of Columbia- -Fair and slightly cooler today; fair tomorrow. General Conditions. The discurhance that was over Lake Superior Sunday night has advanced rapidly northeastward to Eastern Ontario. Another depression of marked intensity is over the Canadian Northwest. Pressure is high southeast of Nova and from the Southern Plains to the Middle and Upper is Scotias Mississippi valleys.
There are some indications of the development of a tropdisturbance northwest of Turks Island. West Indies. During the last 24 hours showers and thunderstorms have occurred in the West Gulf States from the Mississippi river and the Lake, Region eastward to the Atlantic in the North Atlantic States and from Coast. It has A become slightly warmer the Plains States westward The outlook is for generally fair States the Mississippi river. weather today, and tomorrow in the with slightly cooler weather indicated today in the Middle Atlantic and North Atlantic States and warmer weather tomorrow in the Ohio Valley and Western Lower Lake Region.
Winds off Atlantic Coast: North of Sandy Hook, moderate to fresh southwest and west; Sandy Hook to Hatteras, moderate southwest and west: Hatteras to Florida Straits, moderate to fresh northeast and east. Baltimore Weather Report. Mean Minimum temperature.65 Hourly Temperatures. A. 66 66 3 69 68 A.
67 4 68 66 66 A. 68 68 10 A. 69 69 11 A. M. 69 69 1 P.
70 10 68 United States Weather Bureau, Observer's Office, Baltimore Custom House, September 22. 7 3 5 5 bulb emperature. buib lative wind. rection 10 emperature. 8 A.M.
68 67 95 00. .07 Cloudy Noon. 70 68 6 Tr. Rain 8 P.M. 69 68 95 1.63 Rain Normal temperature.67 Maximum temperature.
70 Weather By Telegraph. State of the weather at 8 M. and the highest and lowest temperatures recorded during the day at the stations named below: High. Low. Atlantic City, 64 Boston, 74 54 Buffalo, cloudy.
66 26 Charleston, Chicago, 70 50 Cincinnati, 72 Denver. 76 Galveston, partly cloudy. 86 76 Hatteras, 80 Jacksonville, Louisville, clear 70 54 Memphis, clear. 60 Miami, 86 New Orleans, 90 New York, 72 Oklahoma City, 48 Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, 68 60 Portland, Maine, cloudy. 62 46 Raleigh, 66 St.
Louis, 74 52 Salt Lake City, cloudy. 82 48 San Francisco, 64 54 Washington, 70 64 Weather and wind at 8 P. Delaware Breakwater, rain, south, 8 miles. Norfolk, cloudy, south, 10 miles. Winds on Chesapeake Bay, north of the Potomac river, next 24 hours: Moderate northwest.
Deaths Reported To Health Department Deaths reported to the Sunday, 4 P. until Name. Brown, Mary Cresby, William Crump, Dorsey, Ann Fitzgerald, Richard Hartig, Heffeman, Raymond. Hugg. James Lewis, Lennert, McSheffrey, Mitchell, Lolo Rozga, Wagner, Walmsley, James COLORED.
Alberts, Booth. James Brown. Ross B. Hammond, McDaniel. Pettres, Pettres, Quickley, Health Department from yesterday, 4 P.
were: Age. Residence. 57..2029 N. Calvert st. 60..3032 Walbrook are.
57..824 W. Fayette st. 52..1940 Edmondson ave 58..508 Orkney road. 85..504 E. 24th st.
Cross st. 65..1608 N. Caroline st. 72..1708 Thames st. 76..301 S.
Last ave. Bruce st. 56..817 Hollins st. 28..911 Fell st. 22..835 Hollins 81..15 Rockdale st.
56..1124 Low st. 127..405 F. 24th st. 51..759 Franklin st. 50..
Alexandria, Va. 29..1639 Milliman st. Mosher 4..1106 Mosher st. 40. Long Green.
FINANCIAL, DIVIDENDS, ETC. Public Service Corporation of New Jersey Dividend No. 69 on Common Stock Dividend No. 23 on Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No. 7 on 77 Cumulative Preferred Stock The Board of Directors of Public Service Corporation of New Jersey has declared dividends at the rate of per annum on the Cumulative Preferred Stock, being $2 per share; at the rate of per annum on the Cumulative Preferred Stock, being $1.75 per share; and $1 share on the non par value Common Stock 1924.
for the quarter ending September 30, per Dividends are payable September 30, 1924. to stock holders of record September 12, 1924. T. W. Van Mic diesworth.
Treasurer TO THE HOLDERS OF FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS THE WESTPORT PAVING BRICK COMPANY. Under the terms of the Mortgage dated March 29th, 1909, of the West port Paving Brick Company to the Continental Trust Company, Trustee, there has been deposited with the Trustee $10,500 for the redemption of $10,000 of the First Mortgage Bonds at the price of $525 for each $500 Bond drawn for redemption. The Trustee hereby gives notice that the following numbers have been drawn, October as provided in the Mortgage for payment let, 1924. on which date interest will cease. The Bonds should be presented for payment at the office of the Trustee: Nos.
10-11-15-16-25-26 80-85-92-93-95- 124-138-151-158. THE CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. PARK BANK. BALTIMORE.
Sept. 19, 1924. At a meeting of the Boaord of Directors, held this day, a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF 2 PER CENT. WAS DECLARED. payable OCTOBER 1, 1924.
to stockholders of record at the close of business September 23. 1924. All taxes paid by the bank. Dividends checks will mailed. G.
AUSTIN. Cashier. TRANSFERS OF STOCK. TRANSFER OF 'STOCK. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.
in conformity with Article 93. Sections 77-80 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. will, at the expiration of one (1) month from date, transfer twentyeight (28) shares of the capital stock of the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Maryland, now standing on the books thereof in the name of Edward Franklin Dyer, who is deceased. late of the City of Cleveland. Oh a.
HERRICK H. DYER, September 23, 1921. Executor. Deaths (1) A -On September 21. 1924, AMELIA M.
(nee Kimpel), in her 74th year, beloved wife of the late George Armeling, Jr. Funeral from ber late residence. 4031 Bonner road. on Tuesday at 3.30 P. M.
Interment (private) in Baltimore Cemetery. 23e beloved husband of Irene Baker BAKER. -On September 20, 1 1924. JAMES (nee Langley). 23e Funeral from his late residence, 1803 Braddish avenue on Tuesday, September 23, at 2 P.
M. Interment private. (Continued from Preceding Column.) DRESS -Lost girl's green jumper dress. Reward if returned to 6-B Emersonian, Eutaw Place and the Park. KEYS LOST.
PLEASE CALL WOLFE 8774. NECKPIECE -Fur. lost in Union Station, Washington. D. about 8 o'clock Sunday erening.
Reward if phone to Homewood 1841-J. POCKETBOOK Containing B. A. ticket. Union Trust Building.
PURSE -Lost at Howard and Franklin, smell nurse containing tiro pawn tickets, Flader return to 620 N. EUTAW ST. Reward At St. Paul and 23rd or Cairert sts. REWARD.
Reward. PHONE WOLFS 1703. UMBRELLA Lost Harford rd. and Cliftview ate. Reward.
Vernon 4011. WEDDING RING -In front of 203 North initials Fie mont or Lexington Market: A. L. Jf. to H.
B. Re urn above addrese. Reward. WIRE WHEEL. Fellow lost on Washington Boulevani.
Liberal reward. Calvert 2811. WILL the rarty who found a package on the 33 car. containing a cost. return it to 114 Baltimore st.
and receive a liberal retard PERSONALS. (10) PHONE PLAZA 4062. Modern and Antique Furniture Bought. Part or Entire Contents. 0.
T. Butterworth 32 South Howard St. WEEKLY. Guaranteed 10 Tears. No cash paymenta First-Class House Painting.
WATERTIGHT ROOFING Wolfe 8180. 1533 N. Milton are WANTED- ESTIMATES On Fot-Water Heating System. Also Electric end Plumbing. Must be guaranteed.
Call Home018: wood 3846 for appointment. ROOMS PAPERED. $4 UP. OATMEAL PAPER, $6. R.
SIMMONS, 403 N. Pulaski Gil. 2756-J. DIRFOT FROM Fireplace Fixtures. Andirons, Fire Sets, Screens, in Brass and Iron.
Polishing and Repairing of all kinds. B. COOPER SON. 926 N. Eutaw st.
HOUSE WIRING, $45. Six rooms, balls, bath: steel cable: nothing down: pay weekly. FAYETTE ELECTRIC 1820 Harford avenue. Vernon 2392. WALLPAPER.
Side Wall. 7e. up: Border. 2c. Fard.
Rest Oatmeal. Polychromes, 25c. up. Best Varnish Tile, CONRAD ERNST. 822 S.
Charles street. SURETY ROOFING CO. Roofs repaired and painted; guttering and spouting: store and furnace work. Prices right. 715 GREENMOUNT AVE.
Vernon 5335. GUNS. New and second-hand: gun clothing. loaded shells, etc. Repairing 8 specialty.
Hartogensis Bazaar, 615 E. Baltimore st. Closed Saturday. SANDARD Oil Burner for steem heat. hot-water or hot-air furnace; gravity feed, 110 odor.
no smoke. Call after 6 P. M. for demonstration. Instal yourself for $50.
510 N. BOULDIN ST. TUCKING, Dress Plaiting, Buttons Covered. Hemstiching. SIMON'S.
123 W. Saratoga st. Cal. 0449. ROOMS PAPERED.
Brotten, 732 W. Mulberry st. Calv. 0765. PERFECT TUNING, Repairing and Rebuilding Pianos ave.
and Players. Call Schulze. 1201 N. Luzerne Wolfe 4259-J. KEYS- KEYS -KEYS.
D. Nicoll, 2041 E. Norch ave. Wolfe OATMEAL PAPER. $6 UP.
Paperhanging and Painting. floors refinished. A. G. Purdy 2713 W.
North ave. Walb. 1963. HOUSE WIRED, $42. 6 rooms.
2 halls, bath and cellar. Harford Electrio 136 Overland ave. Mr. King, Ham. 0862-J.
MISS WARD. ELECTROLYSIS EXPERT. Facial Hair. Moles, Blemishes perm. removed: lies only; Baltimore's oldest estab.
specialist. The Rochambeau, 1 W. Franklin cor. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. ALSO DIAMONDS.
OLD FALSE TEETH. S. ROMAN. 511 N. Eutaw st.
Look for name. WE WILL COMPOSE THE MUSIC TO YOUR SONG FOR $3 and make Music Rolls for you. PLATER ROLL MUSIC STUDIO, 905 Harlen Baltimore, Md. HAVE your Shin's Models Repaired and Rerigged: all kinds rones Phone Walwork 1843. or 1416 Poplar Grove st.
Rid Your Rome of Rats. Bedbugs, Roaches, fice. Moths. Fleas. GEO.
G. SAPP. 334 Equitable Building. Ph. Pl.
1436 Liberty 4949. FELTON ROOFING SHOP. 208 N. Gimmor st. Gilmor 1541.
Oid slag. metal and tar roofs repaired by experte. Guaranteed. INCREASE the value of your home. Eave It painted.
We do good work. Low price. Phone Vernon 0790. MASK COSTUMES. E.
AHLERS. 222 W. Mulberry st. Vern. 3903-J.
FACIAL, VENTLY HAIR, removed. Moles, Advice Warts. free. needle Electric EXPERT. 220 N.
LIBERTY STREET. WINDOW SHADES and Draperies made to order. TRY US 23 N. Norris st. John R.
Weaver, mgr. Madison 8324. Gilmor 3921. MISS PRICE. post graduate electrologist.
Superfluous hair. facial blemishes, permanently remored. 3 E. Centre nr. Charles.
LESSONS IN HAIRDRESSING and Beauty Cniture by the hour, daily or in the evening. SANDERSON'S, 201 N. Liberty st. Cal. 0113.
UPHOLSTER UPHOLSTFRING custom built 405 workmanship. Aisquith st. Wolfe 4454-W. HANGING and painting: done where; beet workmanship. 1632 N.
Gilmor st. Phone Mad. 8793-J. MARGARET KOTCHEN, formerly of 522 Charles announces the removal of her hairdressing shop to 208 W. Saratoga st.
Vern. 6120, quality and workmanship guarW. in Baltimore st. Phone Calvert 2128. anteed; reasonable prices.
J. ROSENBURG, 81: $1-SKIRTS PLEATEDHemstitching, Buttons covered. United, 412 Park a MANUSCRIPT. typewritten from copy: proof read. reviewed: moderate charges.
DORA M. WOOD. 2523 Robb Street. LORD BALTO ROOFING PAINT gal. $3.50.
Roof Repairing. 948 HOLLINS STREET, near Schroeder street OUR heaters will care son 25 to 50 per cent. on your coal bills. WALTER E. HILL 00., Howard, at Mulberry.
Vernon 0400. Diamonds Bought For Cash. "Hughes." Appraiser. 824 Fidelity 8th F1. YOUNG LADY who owns her own car would like to take indiriduals or parties shopping or on trips around the city.
HOMEWOOD 1130. Carpenter-Builder: Alterations, Repairs. H. M. Taylor.
1829 W. Lanrale st. Mad. 6638-W. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING.
First-class work: prices reasonable. B. E. RIDGLEY. 617 Grantley st.
Gil. 2522-J. UPHOLSTERING 5-Piece Parlor Suite, with our written factory guarantee, for $15.85. SUPREME Aisquith Orleans sts. Wolfe 0495.
FACIAL MASSAGE. 1309 MARYLAND AVE. APT. B. BRASS RFDS manufactured and refinished.
LUDLOFF 507 W. Pratt at. Plaza 7543 HARDWOOD Ficors laid, old floors renewed. G. Taylor.
Call after 6 P. M. Madison 2608-J. HOUSE wired, B. X.
conle and fixtures. $98. Moorman Elec. 1425 N. Gay st.
Wolfe CONCRETE Block garages; terms if desired KALLAST KEARNS, Relay P. 0. PAPFRHANGING. High Quality, Low Price. M.
GETZ. 1605 N. Appleton st. Mad. 3863-J.
SCALP TREATMENT. Facial Massage. Will call at hones. For appointment, Elkridge 147-J. CARPENTER Wrenwood Repairs, ave.
Hwd. Alterations. 1812. 4431 PAPER HANGING. V.
MARTIN. 1520 McCulloh st. Madison 6274. HOUSE WIRING. D.
H. ELECTRIC 2014 Greenmount avenue. Homewood 7223. BRASS BEDS refinished equal to new. Standard Plating 122 W.
Perry st. Calv. 4257. FACIAL MASSAGE. 800 MADISON AVENUE.
PERMANENT. S. Waving. 201 N. $15; long or bobbed hair.
Liberty st. Cal. 0113. ROOMS PAPERED. UP OATMEAL.
Fern. 4462-J. FACIAL MASSAGE. Vernon 6848. 1024 North Charles st.
PLUMBING and Heating installed: weekly parments SHIELDS. N. Howard st. Vern. 6663.
ROOMS PAPERED, $4 UP. WITHOUT DELAY. Jad. 2626. FURS remodeled equal to new.
Meyer Felken, 224 N. Liberty opp. Hotel Rennert. FACIAL MASSAGE. 306 Park arenue.
Vernon 1261-J. ELECTRIC and Water-Power Washing Machines repaired Work guaranteed. Phone Hwd. 1553. REUPHOLSTERING.
J. M. MILLER, 1026 Aisquith street. Graham, FACIAL, Franklin MASSAGE st. Vernon 1690-J.
Mrs. ELECTRIC WIRING. 2420 Call Greenmount. Homewood 5578. R.
TIEMAN. avenue. BRASS BEDS relacquered like new. Capitol Plating Works, 1023 Cathedral st. Vernon 1256.
PAR Paper 2000 W. Lafayette First Lib. ASK YOUR DEALER for Chocolates or call Liberty 0297. Prompt delivery. LEARN Permanent Waring.
BELL, Specialist, N. st. Calvert 2498. DIAMONDS BOUGHT FOR CASH. R.
FIDELITY BLDG. PAPERHANGING S. reasonable South 0258-J. prices. S.
729 Charles Wm. F. RULE E. Centre st. Vern.
6461. taught by, Registered Derm richologist. 17. 36th st. Turedo 1439-J.
(Continued On Next Page).