Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (2024)

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Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (1)

Lot #0015: Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp

Bidding is closed.
High Bid:$22.50
Bidding Ended: Tue, Jun 185:35:45 pm PT
High Bidder: tnguyen2351
Bid Increment: $2.50
Starting Bid: $5.00
Item Location: 3940 12th Ave SE #2A, Lacey , WA 98503
Item has been viewed 92 times.


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  • Bid History (12 bids)

12" Articulating arm. 56" tall. Some wear to finish. Appears to be functioning as intended.

Bid Date Bid Amount Bidder
Jun 18, 2024 - 5:33:41 PM $22.50 itnguyen2351
Jun 18, 2024 - 5:33:37 PM $20.00 iMoreCowbelle
Jun 18, 2024 - 5:33:15 PM $17.50 iRamonaRose
Jun 18, 2024 - 5:32:12 PM $15.00 itnguyen2351
Jun 16, 2024 - 7:33:29 PM $12.50 iRamonaRose
Jun 16, 2024 - 7:33:24 PM $10.00 iROCKPATCH
Jun 16, 2024 - 7:33:25 PM $10.00 iRamonaRose
Jun 16, 2024 - 7:33:17 PM $9.00 iROCKPATCH
Jun 16, 2024 - 7:33:17 PM $8.00 iRamonaRose
Jun 15, 2024 - 3:26:47 PM $7.00 iROCKPATCH
Jun 15, 2024 - 3:26:48 PM $6.00 iClicrowley
Jun 13, 2024 - 9:06:56 AM $5.00 iROCKPATCH

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  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (6)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (7)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (8)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (9)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (10)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (11)
  • Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (12)

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Brass Finish Milk Glass Shade Reading Floor Lamp (2024)


Which floor lamp gives off the most light? ›

The best kind of light for a dark room, such as those with few or no windows, is an LED — they're not just energy efficient, but they can produce much brighter light than incandescent bulbs.

Can you put any lampshade on a floor lamp? ›

Floor or standard lamps are more difficult to size as they tend to be tall and narrow and it is important to make sure the shade sits at the correct height. Generally, they require a much larger shade than table lamps, starting from around 40cm to 60cm in diameter.

How do you match a lamp with a shade? ›

Your shade should be about two-thirds the height of your lamp base (give or take an inch).
  1. Your shade should be about two-thirds the height of your lamp base (give or take an inch).
  2. Proportion is the key – too tall and the effect will be top heavy, but too short and your lamp will look out of balance.

How can you tell a vintage floor lamp? ›

You can look for a manufacturer's name, symbol, or date stamp on the lamp's base. If there is a felt covering, you may need to lift it, and you may need to use a magnifying glass, but you should be able to find writing or drawings on the base of the lamp.

Which lamp shade emits the most light? ›

A white shade will be the most effective at spreading light through a room, while colored or dark shades direct light down the base of the lamp. Alternately, dark-colored shades tend to add a touch of drama by creating pools of light in a room. Lampshade fabrics can be either translucent or opaque.

Do floor lamps use more electricity than ceiling lights? ›

Ben Gallizzi is an energy expert at He told that lamps use less electricity and thus cost less to run, thanks to their lower wattage. Ben said: "Lamps will generally be cheaper to run than ceiling lights, as they are intended for close-up use and will commonly have a lower wattage.

What color lampshade goes with brass? ›

Polished Brass demands white while… Antique Brass looks better with off-white or cream. Porcelain or Ceramic Patterns – try a shade that picks up a subtle background color in the base pattern.

How bright should a floor lamp be? ›

If you're looking for a floor lamp to light up an entire room, the general rule is to aim for 100 lumens per square meter of space.

What is the rule for lampshades? ›

Three things to remember... The width of the lampshade (diameter at the bottom) should be roughly equal to the height of the lamp base. The height of the lampshade should be about two thirds the height of the lamp base. The lampshade should be the wider than the widest part of the lamp base.

What does Spider mean in lamp shades? ›

A: spider refers to the cross bar configuration at the top of the shade, which requires a harp fixture rising from the base of the bulb to the top, upon which a screw-on finial holds the whole shade together.

What color lampshade gives the best light? ›

Translucent shades, like light paper and silk shades, allow light through with a gentle diffusion. For a brighter lamp, you should also buy a lampshade with a white or off-white inner surface. If you only need soft, ambient light in the room or if you'll be using the lamp for reading, go for a translucent shade.

What shape of lampshade is in style? ›

Square and Rectangular Lamp Shade

For a streamlined, modern look, use a square or rectangular shade for your table or floor lamps.

How do you date a brass lamp? ›

As with many types of antiques, vintage lamps are likely to have a date stamp or maker's mark somewhere. Typically, these marks are on the base of the lamp, but sometimes there are also stickers on the light fixing itself that will include a name or date or manufacturer.

How to tell if a lamp is brass? ›

Brass isn't magnetic, so if you want to find out if that antique brass lamp or bedframe you've inherited is solid brass or just brass plate, try running a magnet over it. If you feel a pull, it's likely brass-plated iron.

How do you clean a vintage brass floor lamp? ›

Instead, use a solution of liquid soap and warm water applied with a soft cloth. For hard to reach or intricately detailed areas, use a toothbrush to apply the solution. Wipe clean with a damp cloth before drying with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. Avoid submerging coated brass into the solution.

Which lamp has highest brightness? ›

High pressure mercury vapor arc-discharge lamps range between 10 and 100 times brighter than incandescent lamps (such as the tungsten-halogen) and can provide intense illumination over selected wavelength bands throughout the visible spectral region when combined with the appropriate filters.

Which lamp produces light most efficiently? ›

LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs are the most energy efficient lighting option available, and can therefore save you the most money on your electricity bills.

Which lamp gives more light? ›

Detailed Solution
Type of light sourceLuminous efficiency (Lumen/watt)
Fluorescent lamp46-75
Mercury vapour lamp44-65
Sodium vapour lamp(low pressure)101-175
3 more rows

What type of light gives off the most light? ›

LED light bulbs use a light-emitting diode (LED). This is a solid-state semiconductor that emits light when a current passes through it. These high-efficiency bulbs emit more lumens per watt and last 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs. A 10W LED bulb produces as much light as a 60W incandescent bulb.


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